Applications for the admissions for Community Midwife under National Maternal New Born & Child Health Care Programme Punjab are required.
Conditions for the Admission
Educational Qualification: Matric (at least 40% marks, Science Subjects will be preferred)
Duration of the Course: The duration of the course is 18 months (During the training residence in the hostel is compulsory)
Age: 18 years to 40 years
Stipend: During the education stipend will also be awarded.
Merit: Admission will be on the basis of merit. Merit will be on the Union Council Level.
Surety Bond/Undertaking: They will have to give undertaking that the passing students will serve in their area for minimum 3 years.
Last Date to submit Applications: The last date to submit the applications is 20th November 2013.
For application form and the detail of seats contact the concerned District MNCH Cell (EDO Health Office). This post has been delivered by Mr. Muhammad Ashfaq.