Notification of Upgradation of the Posts of Assistant Registrar/Circle Registrar Cooperative Societies

Government of the Punjab, Cooperatives Department has issued Notification No. SO(E)7-03/2009 dated 26th June 2015 in connection with Upgradation of the Posts of Assistant Registrar/Circle Registrar Cooperative Societies.

According to this Notification, the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to upgrade Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies from BPS-16 to BPS-17 and Circle Registrar Cooperative Societies from BPS-17 to BPS-18 and supervisory allowance to the tune of Rs. 2500/- per month to the Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies with immediate effect. This upgradation is subject to the condition that the amendment in the existing service rules of cooperative department shall be made through Service Rules Committee, S& GAD. The summary of the same is as under:


Name of Post Existing Pay Scale Upgraded Pay Scale
Assistant Registrar BPS-16 BPS-17
Circle Registrar BPS-17 BPS-18


Upgradation Assistant Registrar


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5 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation of the Posts of Assistant Registrar/Circle Registrar Cooperative Societies

  1. Dear MS.
    My father has retired 1985 now his age 65 year kindly advice me any benefit for him.
    When he retired his pension is 15 Rs. i think now his pension 6000..

  2. Aoa,
    madam kia promotion aur up-gradation mein basic pay same tareeke se fix hota hai ya up-gradation mein aap ka basic jis stage mein ho upgraded scale k usi stage pe aaye ga?

    for example agar bps-14 mein mera basic 9830 (3rd stage) pe ho aur BPS-15 mein upgrade hone ki soorat mein mera basic pay 9900 (2nd Stage) mein ho ga ya 10600 (3rd Stage) mein?

    Plz iska reply kejiye ga mehrbani ho gi.


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