Thousands Vacancies in MES (Military Engineer Service)

Thousands Vacancies in MES (Military Engineer Service) have been announced. Applications invited from Pakistani Nationals for the following posts of RTE staff having the qualification and experience against each of 3563 vacancies:


Name of Post                           No. of Vacancies

Charge Hand E&M G-I                     38

Charge Hand B&R        G-I                       07

Charge Hand E&M G-II                    06

Charge Hand B&R        G-II                     01

AC Mechanic                                    14

Auto Electrician                                03

Lineman                                            106

Electrician                                         77

Fitter Mechanic                                 67

Petrol Mechanic                                09

Instrument Repairer                          09

Meter Reader                                    17

Oil Engine Driver                              78

Lift Operator                                     11

Gas Fitter                                          47

Welder                                              14

Switch Board Attnd.                         36

Boiler Attnd.                                     18

Driver                                               34

Complaint Receiver                          09

Glazier                                              04

Carpenter                                          103

Mason                                               72

Upholsterer                                       02

Motor Pump Attnd.                          180

MT Driver                                         119

Painter                                              58

Pipe Fitter/ Plumber                          128

Polisher                                             13

Labourer                                           1638

Sanitary Worker                               574

Only short listed applicants will be called for written test/interview at PESHAWAR, RAWALPINDI, PANO AQIL, HYDERABAD, KARACHI & QUETTA. Candidates must specify the place in their applications where they want to appear in test / interview in accordance with his place of domicile  Applications are to be submitted on prescribed printed forms as per the advertisement. However these forms can also be obtained from the offices of Commander Military Engineer Services (Army), free of cost from the following stations: –

  1. Peshawar b. Rawalpindi c. Pano Aqil d. Hyderabad e. Karachi f. Quetta.

 All the above mentioned posts are on all Pakistan basis and selected candidates will have to serve any where in and outside Pakistan as and when required by the department.

See also  Pakistan Emirates Military Hospital Rawalpindi Jobs on Contract Basis 2024

Preference will be given to 1st divisioners (in the required qualification) however the condition may be relaxed to 2nd division in case of applicants belonging to Baluchistan, Sind (Rural), GB/FATA and AK. Incomplete applications will not be entertained and no call up letter for the test/interview will be issued to such applicants. Submission of copy of matriculation certificate is must in all cases except for under matric posts.

Govt. servants including MES employees must apply through their departments showing their present service number (if any), rank and place of duty.

All applicants are required to attach with their applications, a Bank Draft/Pay Order/Postal Order as following in favour of E in C’s Branch, GHQ Rawalpindi. Applications received without Bank Draft/Pay Order/Postal Order will not be accepted:-

Last date for receipt of applications is 17 August 2015.

Special thanks to Mr. Liaquat Kamboh for sending the copy of the advertisement and detail.


Download Detail of Vacancies in MES (URDU)

Download Detail of Vacancies in MES (English)

Download Application form


Vacancies in MES


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