Pay Scale Chart 2016 According to Various Newspapers

Although I have already uploaded the expected pay scale chart 2016, however I have also received/read the pay scale charts published by various news papers. The summary of the same is as under:

Pay Scale Chart 2016 by the Daily Jang Rawalpindi

A few days ago the Daily Jang Rawalpindi published a draft of the revised pay scale chart. According to this chart, the basic pays and annual increments of the employees are higher than the chart that I uploaded previously.

Pay Scale Chart 2016 by the Javed Ch Online Newspaper

The chart and basic pay details are same as above. In the same way many visitors of my website also send me the pay scale charts. I am also sharing this chart. The below given pay scale chart is in PDF format and is submitted by TMA Musa Pak Shaheed.

Note: The final chart will be issued by the Finance Division. It may or may not be the same as given here and in my previous posts.


Download Pay Scale Chart 2016


Pay Scale Chart


Pay Scale Chart 2


See also  Notification of Extension Six Months Contract Period Charge Nurses Punjab

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19 thoughts on “Pay Scale Chart 2016 According to Various Newspapers

  1. یہ جو کلیریکل سٹاف کی اپ گریڈیشن ھوئ ھے اس میں اگلے سکیل کی رونڈنگ کے ساتھ اضافی انکریمنٹ بہی ملے گی

  2. assalam allekum

    i am asif & primary teacher bps 09 appointment on 2008 august.i want to ask about deree increment . I have done, b.ed M.A & i am doing M.B.A 90 Credit hour which is equal to M.phil it’s almost done .
    so plz send me detail about increment is open .

  3. There is a mistake. Check initial page of grade 19. It is written 19190 while it should be 49190. Others are right. Plz update. I have also made this chart by myself but I am unable to post here and your facebook page. Tell me how?

  4. Adhoc relief for 2013 & 2014 10%, 10% was on the Basic pay of scales 2011
    Adhoc relief 2015 was on pay scales 2015
    apparently total is 10+10+7.5=27.5% but actual total becomes about 21 or 22%
    So the above given stages of pay scales are excess than the actual


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