Revision of Basic Pay Scales 2016-Removal of Anomalies

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.No.1 (10)Imp/2016-392 dated 17-05-2017 in connection with Revision of Basic Pay Scales 2016-Removal of Anomalies. Detail is as under:

The undersigned is directed to say that subsequent to the introduction of Basic Pay scales-2016 vide Finance Division`s O.M.No.F. 1(2) Imp/ 2016-333, dated 01-07-2016 certain anomalies were referred to the Anomaly Committee. The Committee examined these anomalies in detail and gave its recommendations. In the light of these recommendations, the following decision/clarification is issued for guidance/necessary action:

               Nature of Anomaly                 Decision/Clarification
General Anomaly in Pay Fixation

A number of cases have been received from the Ministries/Division/Department requesting therein to remove anomaly in fixation of pay. All the cases are identical. The Officers/officials are comparing their pay with different lower posts and pay scales groups or with those belonging to different service groups or cadres or the pay, of a junior employee drawing less pay, becomes equal to senior employee on introduction of BPS-2016.

These cases are not covered under the General Principal for Removal of Anomalies circulated by the Finance Division vide O.M.No.F. 1(11)Imp/ 2011- dated 22-09-2011 (Annexure-I) as the concerned officers/officials have compared their pay with the officers/ officials of other grades/cadres who maintain separate seniority in their own cadre/group, instead of the same scale/ cadre, service, group or line of promotion. It has been decided that all such cases should be settles in the light of the above referred General Principal.


Revision of Basic Pay Scales 2016


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