Notification of Effective Implementation NIDs 12-14 February 2018

Government of the Punjab Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department has issued Notification on 11-02-2018 in connection with Effective Implementation NIDs 12-14 February 2018. Detail is as under:

Polio Eradication is one of the commitment of Government of Pakistan with global community, in this regard, Government of the Punjab has been striving hard to achieve the task. Department of Health, Primary and Secondary Healthcare is committed to launch effective campaign is collaboration with other department and development partners.

National immunization Days (NIDs) are being celebrated from 12 – 14 February, 2018 It has come to notice that some employees are creating hurdles in this noble cause and are reluctant to perform their duties.

You are hereby directed to make it effective by utilizing all supervisory staff in the said campaign  and convince a meeting of supervisory staff including SH&NS at 8:00 am on 12 February, 2018. Minutes of the meeting with attendance shall be shared with Director General Health Service without failure.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Effective Implementation NIDs 12-14 February 2018.


Effective Implementation NIDs


See also  Notification of Remuneration Charges for 6th Population and Housing Census

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