Notification of Deduction of Salary Punjab Employees for Donation to DAM Fund

Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued Notification on 14-09-2018 in connection with Deduction of Salary Punjab Employees for Donation to DAM Fund. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer to this Department`s letter of even number dated 20.08.2018(copy enclosed) and to state that Government has decided to deduct one month`s salary of the Cabinet Members of Government of the Punjab, two days` salary of the officers and one day`s salary of the officials of all Administrative Departments, Attached Departments. Field Formations and Autonomous Bodies / Companies.

2. I am therefore, directed to request to the Accountant General Punjab to deduct salary as per above decision from the officers/officials of Administrative Departments. Attached Departments, District Education
Authority, District Health Authorities and Field Formations who are paid salary through the Accountant General Punjab or District Accounts Offices.

3. I am further directed to request to the Administrative Department to deduct salary as per above decision from the officer/officials of Autonomous Bodies / Companies etc. whose salary is paid by means of other than
Accountant General Punjab or District Accounts Officer.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Deduction of Salary Punjab Employees for Donation to DAM Fund.


Deduction of Salary Punjab Employees for Donation to DAM Fund



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