Notification of Fixation Maximum Retail Prices of Drugs

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (Drug Regulatory Authorities of Pakistan) has issued Notification on 10-01-2019 in connection with Fixation Maximum Retail Prices of Drugs. Detail is as under:

S.R.O. 34 (1)/2019, – In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of section 7 of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan Act, (XXI of 2012) read with section 12 of the Drugs Act, 2976 (XXXI of 1976), the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan with the approval of the Federal Government is pleased to Fix maximum retail prices of drugs subject to the condition specified below, namely:-

1.    Maximum retail prices of drugs may be increased under paragraph 12 (8) of the Drug Pricing Policy, 2018, namely:-

             (a) Nine percent over and above the maximum retail prices as determined under hardship category during the year 2018: and

            (b) Fifteen percent over and above existing maximum retail prices determined under Drug Pricing   Policy, 2018 for drugs other than those specified in clause (a).     

2.    The revised maximum retail shall be painted on the label in the manner prescribed by the Drugs (Labeling and Packing) Rules, 1986 and the manufacturers and importers of Drugs shall furnish calculations of revised maximum retail price of drugs to the Division of Costing and Pricing of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan before affecting the increase.                      Special thanks to Mr. Hamid Hussain for sensing the copy of the Notification of Fixation Maximum Retail Prices of Drugs.

Fixation Maximum Retail Prices of Drugs
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