Issuance of e-Transfer Orders – Verification of Final List

Notification regarding Verification of Final List for Issuance of e-Transfer Orders has been issued on 27-06-2019 by Government of the Punjab, School Education Department (Monitoring Wing). Detail is as under:

2.    It is to inform you that final lists for transfer orders of teachers, already verified by your office, would be available on the dashboard of School information System (SIS), e-Transfer System after 4:00 PM today.

3.   You are therefore, requested to download the list and also recheck case to case basis and mention remarks as “OK” if all is correct, otherwise, provide reason in case of “NOT OK”. Scale of the post for HM, Sr. HM, SS, SSS and Principal must be checked (no erratic allowed). Moreover, please send these signed scanned lists through e-mail on the following email addresses TODAY positively and also hard copy to this office by TOMORROW. In case of any laxity, concerned CEO (DEA) will be held responsible:      

           . [email protected]

           .  [email protected]

           . [email protected]


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of Verification of Final List for Issuance of e-Transfer Orders.

Issuance of e-Transfer Orders


See also  Clarification Premature Increment in addition to the Annual Increment Due on 01.12.2015

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