Grant of Increase in Pension of Federal Govt NPGCLs Pensioners

Northern Power Generation Company Limited has issued a Notification on the subject Grant of Increase in Pension of Federal Govt NPGCLs Pensioners. The NPGCL issued a Notification in this regard on 28-03-2022. The details are as under:


Increase in Pension of Federal Govt NPGCLs Pensioners

In supersession of this office letter No. CFO/NPGCL/PENSION/8637-49 dated 20-9-2021 on the subject matter; it is apprised that the Board of Directors of NPGCL (GENCO-III) has approved the adoption of the Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulations Wing) office memorandum No. F.4(1)REG.6/2021-486 dated 08th July 2021 regarding 10% increase in net pension with effect from 1st July 2021 to all NPGCLs pensioners.

               The office, therefore, requests to include a 10% increase in net pension wef 1st July 2021 of the pensioners of this Company.

                Further intimate all Pension Disburse Offices under your administrative control for disbursal of the above increase with arrears, please.


Special Thanks to Mr. Mabroor Ahmad for sending the copy of the Notification of the Pension increase Notification @ 10% of net pension along with arrears.

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Grant of Increase in Pension of Federal Govt NPGCLs Pensioners

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