Clarification Regarding Appointment under Rule17-A Category C

Government of the Punjab, Services & General Administration Department issued a Notification on 23-02-2023 in connection with Clarification Regarding Appointment Under Rule 17-A Category C Medical Ground Retirement Job to Family.  The details are as under:


Category C Medical Ground Retirement Job to Family

The Services and General Administration Department,  Punjab writes to The Deputy Accountant General about the Clarification Regarding Appointment Under Rule 17-A, The Basis of Invalidation in Category “C”. The department notifies about the decision of the Regulations Wing, S&GAD. Here are more details.


Category C is not entitled to get the Benefits of a Job in favour of children/Wives


The Regulations Wing, S&GAD, Punjab examines the matter in reference to Letter No. TM-I/I-IA/2022-23/4092 of The Deputy Accountant General. The Regulations Wing of S&GAD, observes that the Civil Servant, who belongs to Category C can’t get the benefits of a Job in favour of the Family.  The Category-C civil employees can not get the benefit of a job in favour of their Children or Wives. This is as per rule 17-A of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) rules 1974.


Retirement on Medical Ground in Category C


As the Regulations wing clarifies Rule 17-A, Instant, Mr Mukhtar Ahmad gets retired on the medical Ground in Category C. It doesn’t Fall in the Category of Permanent Invalidation.


Appointment in Category C on Invalidation Basis


After the clear explanation of Rule 17-A, the  Appointment of Mr Faisal Abbas on the basis of Invalidation in Category C  also becomes void abinitio. It is also against the Clarification of the Regulations Wing, S&GAD Punjab dated 01-02-2019. On the basis of clarification,  we can pursue that, no one Civil servant of Category C can take benefit in relation to his child/wife. This is an important clarification. This is helpful to stop illegal recruitment and services. The candidate who comes in Category C, cannot take advantage as that of Permanent Invalidation.

See also  Minutes / Decisions of the 2nd Meeting of Standing Committee of Cabinet Held on 15-11-2018


Action against Illegal Recruitment and Service


The authorities allow The Deputy Accountant General  TM, Accountant General  Punjab to take necessary action under the law. If the Accountant General Punjab needs any further clarification, the department can consult with Finance Department or Health  Department.

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Category C Medical Ground Retirement Job to Family

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