Provision of Interest Free Loan for Purchasing of House & Car to the Sindh

Government of Sindh, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department issued a Notification on 08-05-2024 in connection with the Provision of Interest-Free Loan for Purchasing of House & Car in Sindh. This proposal of loan for the purchase of Housing and a Motorcar is only for the Secretariat Employees of Sindh. The details are as follows:

Comments for Interest Free Loan for Purchasing of House & Car to the Sindh Secretariat Employees


Provision of interest-free loans for purchasing houses & cars to the Sindh secretariat employees

I am directed to forward herewith an application of the President, SSO/WA wherein he has requested without interest loan for the purchasing of a House & Car to the Sindh Secretariat Employees.


  1. You are requested to kindly give comments on the matter to be taken further necessary action.

A copy is forwarded for information to

  1. PS to Secretary (GA), SGA&CD, Government of Sindh, Karachi.
  2. Office Order File


These employees of other departments of Sindh also request that Govt should also include them in interest-free loans for houses and motorcars. This action can win the hearts of the employees. These are still comment requirements. The Government will make the decision at a later stage after they get the comments.


The KP Government has also issued a letter regarding the issuance of funds for interest-free advances KPK for HBA, MCA, and Cycle.


Provision of Interest Free Loan for Purchasing of House & Car to the Sindh

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