Government of Pakistan Ministry of Defence Vacancies (PPS-01 to PPS-07)

Recent Government jobs for PPS-01 to PPS-07 Vacancies in the Ministry of Defence 2024 have been announced. These jobs in the MoD Govt of Pakistan are through the Project Director of Its green AI Project Management Unit. The details are as follows:


PPS-01 to PPS-07 Vacancies in the Ministry of Defence 2024


Government of Pakistan –Ministry of Defence Though the Project Director of its Green-Al Project Management Unit

  1. Applications are invited for Pakistani nationals for appointment purely on a contract basis, for One year (expendable on a performance basis) against temporary posts in the PSDP Project titled, “Development of ICT and Artificial intelligence (AL) based Precession Agriculture systems utilizing dual-use Aerospace Technologies – GreenAL”, at NASTP, Rawalpindi / Islamabad, reporting unit Ministry of Defence, Pakistan.


Summary of Jobs in Govt of Pakistan MoD


Sr No Name of Post Pay Scale No of posts Disciplines / Qualification
1 Scientific Officer PPS-7 02-Vacancies A qualified person with a postgraduate degree (PhD or MS / MPhil in relevant experience in research and projects.

S/He will have to manage and lend staff and manage other resources, including budget preparation, management, and control.

2 Electrical / Mechatronics Engineer PPS-7 01-Vacancy A qualified person with a postgraduate degree (MPhil) in a relevant field and preferably having relevant experience in research and development.


3 Research Associate PPS-5 04-Vacancies Postgraduate / MS in the relevant field of the research group (MS/M Phil scholar will be preferred).
4 Research Assistant PPS-4 02-Vacancies Graduate (MS / MS or equivalent) in the relevant field of the research group (MS/M Phil Scholar will be preferred).
5 Field Workers PPS-2 04-Vacancies A qualified person with middle or matric qualifications having agriculture and farm experience and willing to work in the field.
6 Naib Qasid PPS-1 02-Vacancies A qualified person with middle or matric qualifications with good communication, behavior, and interpersonal skills.

The scientific officer jobs are also included in the Ministry of Science & Technology Vacancies 2024 announced in March 2024.


Terms and Conditions


  1. Applicants are required to apply directly on the website [email protected] Complete job Descriptions are available against respective vacancies on the website.
  2. Incomplete applications and applications with fake/false documents will be rejected at any stage during or after the recruitment process.
  3. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview and written test. No TA/DA will be admissible for test/interview.
  4. The Organization reserves the right to withdraw /cancel the vacancies at any stage without assigning any reason.
  5. The last date to apply is 09 June 2024.



PPS-01 to PPS-07 Vacancies in Ministry of Defence 2024


There are also other career opportunities as Junior Clerks BPS-11 Vacancies in Sindh Police have also been announced. The candidates may apply for these jobs too. In addition to that they have more chances to apply in SIndh Police.

See also  BPS-01 to BPS-15 Jobs in Court / Offices of Sessions Division Washuk

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One thought on “Government of Pakistan Ministry of Defence Vacancies (PPS-01 to PPS-07)

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