Notification Amendment Rules Professors and Associate Professors HED Punjab 2024

Government of the Punjab, Services, and General Administration Department issued a Notification on 18-05-2024 in connection with Amendment Recruitment Rules Professors and Associate Professors HED Punjab. The details are as follows:


Amendment Recruitment Rules Professors and Associate Professors HED Punjab 2024



No.SOR-III(S&GAD)1-2/2024, – In exercise of the powers conferred under section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act. 1974 (VIII of 1974), the Governor of Punjab is pleased to make the following amendments to the Punjab Education Department College Education Recruitment Rules, 1989, with immediate effect:




In the Punjab Education Department College Education Recruitment Rules, 1989:


  1. In rule 1, after the word “Punjab” and before the word “Education”, the word “Higher” shall be inserted.
  2. In the Schedule:
  • In column No1, under the heading ‘Name of the Department’, against all existing entries, the following shall be substituted:

“Higher Education Department”

  • For the post of ‘professors’, in column No. 5 for the existing entry, the following shall be substituted:
  1. Ph.D. in the relevant subject;
  2. Twelve years ‘graduate or post-graduate teaching or research experience from a college or university recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and
  • Six research publications as the author of a publication in a standard journal recognized by the Higher Education Commission.”
  • For the post of ‘Associate Professor’. In column No. 5, for the existing entry, the following shall be substituted:
  1. Ph.D. in the relevant subject;
  2. Twelve years of teaching or research experience from a college or university recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and
  • Two research publications as the author of a publication in a standard journal recognized by the Higher Education Commission.”
  1. M.Phil. in the relevant subject;
  2. Eleven years of teaching or research experience from a college or university recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and
  • Four research publications as a Principal author in a standard journal recognized by the Higher Education Commission.”
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Change of Appointment Rules HED Punjab Submission


A cop is forwarded for information and necessary action to the following:


  • The secretaries, Governed of the Punjab,
  • Finance Department.
  • Law & Parliamentary Affairs Department.
  • Management ^Professional Development Department
  • Higher Education Department.
  • The Accountant General, Punjab, Lahore.
  • Secretary, Punjab Public Service Commission, Lahore.
  • The private Secretaries to the Governor Punjab / Chief Ministry / Chief Secretary / Additional Chief Secretary, Secretary (Services) and Secretary (Regulations) S&GAD.
  • The Section Officer (PP&CCM), Regulations / O&M Wing, S&GAD with the request uploaded the said amendment on the official website of the Regulations Wing, S&GAD.


Notification Amendment Recruitment Rules Professors and Associate Professors HED Punjab 2024


Change in Recruitment Rules in Punjab HED 2024



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