University of Gujrat Lecturers, Assistant Professors and Associate Professors Jobs 2024

I am sharing the latest Teaching Vacancies in UoG HH Campus 2024. These jobs in the University of Gujrat are for Pakistani males and females at the Hafiz Hayat Campus for the posts of Lecturers, Assistant Professors, and Associate Professors. The details are as below:


Lectures, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors Teaching Vacancies in UoG HH Campus 2024


Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals (Male / Female), who are dynamic, dedicated, and competent professionals in relevant fields and like to serve in a rapidly growing World-Class University located at Gujrat, Punjab.


Associate Professors Jobs at the University of Gujrat


Sr No Name of post No of  Total Post Bps Age Limit Nature of Appointment Subject Minimum qualification & Experience  
1 Associate Professor 01-Vacancy BPS-20 Age limit 30-50 years (Relaxable) under Rules Regular Biochemistry


1.      Ph.D. in Biochemistry or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission;

2.      Ten years of teaching or research experience in a post-graduate institution or university recognized by the Higher Education Commission or professional experience relevant to a national or international organization.


3.      Five years ‘Post Ph.D. tracing or research experience in a post-graduate institution or university recognized by the Higher Education Commission or professional experience in relevant in a national or international organization.


Assistant Professors Jobs 2024


Sr No Name of post No of  Total Post Bps Age Limit Nature of Appointment Subject Minimum qualification & Experience
2 Assistant Professor 02-Vacancies BPS-19 Age limit 25-45 years (Relaxable) under Rules Regular 1.      Biotechnology



1.      Ph.D. in Biotechnology or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission


2.      Fine Arts


1.      Ph.D. in Fine Arts or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission

2.      Master’s degree (foreign) or M.Phil. in Fine arts of equivalent qualification awarded after 18 years of education from a university or institution recognized by the Higher Education Commissions: and

3.      Four years of teaching or research experience from a university or institution recognized by the

Higher Education Commission or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or international organization.


1.      First professional degree (four years) (First Division) with no third division in the academic career in Fine Arts form a university or institution recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and

2.      Six years of teaching or research experience from a university institution recognized by the Higher Education Commissions or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or international organization.


Lectuerers Jobs at UoG



Sr No Name of post No of  Total Post Bps Age Limit Nature of Appointment Subject Minimum qualification & Experience
3 Lecturer 11-Vacancies BPS-18 Age limit 23-35 years (Relaxable) under Rules Regular 1.      Biotechnology



MS or M.Phil., (First division) in Biotechnology or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission with no third division in the academic career.

Note: In case of Higher Qualification, the condition of the third division shall not be applicable




2.      Mathematics




MS OR M.Phil.) in Mathematics or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission with no third division in the academic career.

Note: In case of Higher Qualification, the condition of the third division shall not be applicable





3.      Education



MS OR M.Phil.) in Education or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission with no third division in the academic career.

Note: In case of Higher Qualification, the condition of a third division shall not be applicable



4.      Fine Arts



First professional degree (four years (first division) in Fine Arts form a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission with no third division in the academic career.

Note: In case of Higher Qualification, the condition of the third division shall not be applicable




5.      Resign

(Ceramics Design =01 Vacancy)


(Communication Design = 01 Vacancy)


(Textile & Surface Design = 01 Vacancies )

First professional degree (four years (first division) in Textile and Surface Design or Textile design or Commnucnation Design or Graphics design or OriducDesign or CCeramics Design or Multimedia or Multimedia Design or Multimedia and Communication Design or Fashion Design form a University or Institution recognized by the Higher Education Commission with no third division in the academic career.

Note: In case of Higher Qualification, the condition of the third division shall not be applicable


Note: In the case of Higher Qualification, the condition of the third division shall not be applicable.


There is also the recent announcementt for BPS-18 to BPS-20 Jobs in IRS 2024 for Pakistani domicile holders. You can also apply for these jobs as per schedule of application.


Teaching Vacancies in UoG HH Campus 2024

See also  Ministry of Human Rights Govt of Pakistan Vacancies May 2023

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