Promotion of the Employee in BPS-01 to BPS-08 as Junior Clerk (BPS-11) Punjab Against 20% Quota

Government of the Punjab, Services & General Administration Department issued a Notification on 03-09-2024 in connection with the Promotion of the Employee in BPS-01 to BPS-08 as Junior Clerk (BPS-11) Punjab. The Punjab Government will promote these employees against a 20% quota. The details are as follows:


Promotion of the Employee in BPS-01 to BPS-08 as Junior Clerk (BPS-11) Punjab


Kindly refer to this Department’s earlier letter of even number dated 11-04-2023, on the subject noted above (copy enclosed).


20% of posts of Junior Clerk (BS-11 are required to be filled in from amongst the employees of all categories in BS-1 to BS-8 based on seniority-cum-fitness after fulfilling the following requirements:


Requirements for Promotion as JC


  1. Matriculate (2nd division);
  2. However, the condition of Second Division in the Second Division in the Secondary School Certificate shall not be applicable for employees for all categories in BS-1 to BS-8, who have been appointed before the existing amendment, vide notification dated 20-10-2011, for their promotion as Junior Clerk against 20% quota.
  3. Have at least 3 years experience of in regular service and
  4. Have a speed of 25 words per minute in typing on a Computer.
  5. Provision of ACRs.
  6. No Inquiry / No Demand Certificate.


It is, therefore, requested to kindly forward the name of eligible candidates (afresh) working in your department/office, who fulfill the above conditions along with the verified copy of the Matriculation Certificate from the Controller Examination of the concerned Board / University by 10-10-2024 positively

See also  Clarification of Upgradation of Junior Clerk, Senior Clerk, Assistant/Head Clerk and Superintendent in Punjab


Copy Submission


A copy is forwarded for information and necessary action to the following offices:-


  1. PSs to Chief Secretary / Additional Chief Secretary / Secretary (Services) Secretary Regulations) /Secretary (Archives) / Secretary (I&C), S7Gad.
  2. PSs / Pas to Minister / Advisor in the Punjab,
  3. The PSs all Members (Enquiries), S&GAD.
  4. As to all Additional Secretaries / Deputy Secretaries in S&GAD.
  5. PA to Additional Secretary (Admn), S&GAD
  6. PA to Deputy Secretary (Personnel,) S&GAD


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Promotion of the Employee in BPS-01 to BPS-08 as Junior Clerk (BPS-11) Punjab Against 20% Quota

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