Notification Family Pension for 10 Years after the Death of Spouse

Government of Pakistan Finance Division issued a Notification on 10-09-2024 in connection with Family Pension for 10 Years after the Death of a Spouse. These eligible family members of the death of the husband or wife will get a pension for 10 years. Before this, there was no limit and pension remained continued family after family.

Family Pension for 10 Years after the Death of Spouse


The undersigned directs to refer to the Finance Division’s O.M. (No. 1 (13)-Reg.6/83 dated 23-10-1983 on the subject noted above. The U/S states that, on the recommendations of Pay and Pension Commission-2020, It has been decided that henceforth, Ordinary Family Pension, after the death or ineligibility of the spouse, shall be admissible to remaining entitled family member for a maximum period of 10 years. There are some conditions for that that are as below:




  1. In the case of disabled / Special Children of a pensioner, the Ordinary Family pension shall remain admissible for the life of such children.
  2. In the case of the entitled children, an Ordinary Family Pension shall remain admissible for 10 years or until the age of 21, whichever is later.


  1. Existing instruction on the subject, the concerned will amend to the above extent with immediate effect.


Explanation of Family Pension New Rules


As per the new rules, after the death of an employee, his or her husband/wife will get a family pension for life but after the death of the husband/wife his or her son/daughter, sister, etc will get a pension only for 10 years, and after that Government will stop the pension. However special children will get the pension for life. Before this after the expiry of the husband or wife the family pension remained continued to the other eligible members without any limit.

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Notification Family Pension for 10 Years after the Death of Spouse 2024

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