Notification Implementation of Action Plan Regarding Smog SED Punjab

The government of the Punjab School Education Department issued a Notification on 17-09-2024 in connection with the Implementation of the Action Plan Regarding Smog SED Punjab. You know, the smog period in Punjab is expected soon, especially in Lahore. The smog issue has been around for many years in Punjab. The details are as follows:

Implementation of Action Plan Regarding Smog SED Punjab


I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and inform you that the School Education Department is already taking precautionary measures regarding Smog. In this regard, directions have already been issued to all CEOs (DEAs) in Punjab. Moreover, the competent authority has desired that the following measures should be taken on a war footing.


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Precautionary Measures to Eliminate Slomg


There are precautionary measures to avoid smog. These are as below:


Sr No Activity Remarks
1 Create Miyawaki Forest in all Public Schools without compromising on playgrounds. Send the Pictorial evidence through E-mail at [email protected] indicating how many Miyawaki Forests have been created in public schools in your district.
2 Arrange different coloured beans/baskets for waste disposal in school. Different colour bins/baskets must be placed in the school car disposal, and awareness to use these colour beads must be given to students
3 Appl “ green or Grey” principal in school leaving no” Kacha patches” Grass should be planted ( plugging method), leaving no Kacha patches in the school.
4 No single-use plastic is allowed in school premises  Directions have already been issued. Strict compliance is required
5 Disposal of Debris Don’t burn any kind of debris on school premises.
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  1. I am directed further to request to ensure the implementation of the above set directions is true letter & Spirit and also disseminate the directions at all levels for its strict compliance

This may be treated on a top priority




  1. PSO to senior minister Punjab Convener, standing committee of cabinet on Smog mitigation and climate resilience (SCC-SMCR)
  2. PS to secretary school education department to secondary school education department
  3. PS to the special secretary of the school education department.


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Notification of Implementation of Action Plan Regarding Smog SED Punjab

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