Government of Pakistan Finance Division (Regulations Wing) issued a Notification on 01-01-2025 in connection with Multiple Pensions by Pensioners of the Federal Government. The details are as follows:
Multiple Pensions by Pensioners of Federal Government
As per the Notification, the undersigned is directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that, on the recommendations of Pay and Pension Commission-2020, it has been decided that henceforth, in an event where a person becomes entitled to more than one pensions, such person shall be only be authored to opt to draw one of the pensions, provided that;
- Whereas in-service Federal Government employees become entitled to pension such Federal Government employees shall not be eligible to receive such pension.
- The in-serve/pensioner spouse shall be eligible for the pension of his/her spouse in addition to his/her pay/pension
Existing instructions on the subject shall stand amended to the extent of above with immediate effect.
On the recommendations of the Pay and Pension Commission, multiple pensions have been abolished by the Federal Government. Sometimes an employee is getting many pension pensions. For example, she is getting her pension, her husband’s pension, and her parents’ pension. These two or more than two pensions have a much loss on the treasury. The government has decided to abolish such pensions with some conditions.
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