Clarification of Grant of Senior Scale to Drivers/Dispatch Riders of Federal Government

Government of the Pakistan Finance Division has issued Notification No. D.No.1(23)R-I/2013-366/2014 dated 24-12-2014 in connection with the Clarification of Grant of Senior Scale to Drivers/Dispatch Riders of Federal Government.

The clarification vides this Notification has been made of the following two Notifications regarding the conflicting position of these letters:

Finance Division’s O.M No. F.6(4)R-I/2006 dated 29-06-2007

Establishment Division’s O.M No. 10/6/2008-R-4 dated 17-06-2014


Clarification of Grant of Senior Scale to Drivers/Dispatch Riders

It is clarified that as a result of withdrawal of Finance Division’s O.M No. 1(15)R-1/2001-269 dated 15-06-2002, restoring the scheme of Senior Scale to Drivers/Dispatch Riders of Federal Govt, the Finance Division’s O.M No.1(4)R-I/2009 dated 31-12-2012 automatically becomes inoperative in the case of Drivers/Dispatch Riders.


Senior Scale Drivers



See also  Notification Regarding the Issue of Casual Leave by the School Education Department Punjab

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12 thoughts on “Clarification of Grant of Senior Scale to Drivers/Dispatch Riders of Federal Government

  1. Aoa sir I’m driver in federal depatt kindly inform me plz I cleared my study with b.a how can I get promotion on clerical position behalf on qualification

  2. A.O.A Miss Shumaila Kamal.
    I’m an Employee of Federal Government in BPS-04 that I’ve completed 7 years in same scale. Please send me the documents required for upgradation of scale. or any specimen of DPC. I will remain very thankfull to you.

    looking forward to hear from you soon.

  3. Assalam o Alaikum: madam would u kindly give me a bit help an employee which was appointed as Labourer (BPS 1) and then re-appointed as a MT Driver (BPS 4) Date of appt as labourer is february 1995 and re-appointed as MT Driver wef february 2002. He is in BPS 5 now by virtue of federal government policy of 2007 in which every employ has been given a scale. When was he able to get the next scale ie BPS 6?

  4. I am employee of federal government as a driver plz send me any information about how our grade Will be upgrade contact me on this number 03003009772

  5. what is the process to provide senior scale to drivers & D/R’s in attached departments. please send me terms and conditions and criteria. furthermore a copy of circular issued vide establishment division O.M. No. 10/7/87-D.5 dated 28.02.1988


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