Important Notification Regarding Assistant, Accountant, Assistant Accountant, Cashier, Caretaker & Transport Assistant

Government of the Punjab, Services & General Administration Department has issued Notification No. SOR-III(S&GAD)1-10/2004 dated 02-11-2009 in connection with pay scale of Assistant, Accountant, Assistant Accountant, Cashier, Caretaker & Transport Assistant.

In exercise of the powers conferred on him under section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act 1974 (VIII of 1974) the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to direct that in Punjab Secretariat (Ministerial Posts) Service Rules, 1982, the following further amendments shall be made:


In the Punjab Secretariat (Ministerial Posts) Service Rules, 1982 in the schedule at SR. No. 5 “Assistant” for the entries in Column No.3, the following shall be substituted:


“Assistant/Accountant/Assistant Accountant/Cashier/Caretaker/Transport Assistant (BPS-14)”


Your Turn:

Now it is your turn to send related material & Comment and Clarify the matter of up-gradation of these above mentioned posts.

Note: The copy of the “Punjab Secretariat (Ministerial Posts) Service Rules, 1982” is also required to further clarify the matter.


Important Notification Regarding Assistant



See also  Notification of Revised Rates of LDA Support Allowance

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26 thoughts on “Important Notification Regarding Assistant, Accountant, Assistant Accountant, Cashier, Caretaker & Transport Assistant

  1. Please share if any one have govt of punjab notification which clearly indicate that BPS of accountant is upgraded BS-14 to BS-16 will be obliged

  2. Respected madam and Members,
    if any one has the Notification Regarding the up gradation of the post of Accountant from BPS-14 to BPS-16 which clearly indicate that the Accountant/Assistant/Care taker are upgraded from BPS-14 to BPS-16 please share it with all the members

  3. Naeem Mirza (0333-6374827) · Edit

    Respected Mam, A.o.A, your precious services for employees are praise able. ALLAH bless you & your well-wishers.
    Through”PPSC” I was selected as Director Phy-Edu (BPS:16) in 1992, (Technical education wing) posted at Govt College of Technology Bahawalpur and then awarded BS:17 personal on the basis of MA. physical Education. In spite of strong justifications&efforts, to get service structure, we are disappointed and hopeless now. (1) Pl. guide me that i can fulfill/apply regarding the notification of up-gradation upto BS;5-16 (04-01-2016). (2) Humbly requested to help me in this regard and allow me to contact you, to brief the case history. Thanks


    Dear madam, will you please inform about the up gradation regarding the post of Stenographer from BS-14 to BS-16. In this context it is informed that ” when the post of Head Clerk was lying in BS-11 the Stenographer was in BS-12, and Junior Clerk was in BS 05 and the Senior clerk was in BS 07, but now Head clerk BS 16 Senior Clerk BS 14 and Junior Clerk BS 11 while the post of stenographer is BS 14. I am working on the same post without any promotion w.e.f 1995. if you feel that the post of Stenographer should be upgraded or not??? and please update the current situation about this.

  5. Hello dear colleagues i a Ghulam Haider and working as junior accountant BS 8 at THQ. Hospital Chichawatni District Sahiwal it is to request to APCA that there is no promotion channel for the up-gradation or promotion of said post (Junior Accountant) is found yet because said post is of BS 8 since its creation while the post of Junior Clerk has gone from BS 5 to BS 7 etc. Non up-gradation of post of (Junior Accountant) is very miserable situation for the employees working in said post just like me

  6. I am Cashier in BPS-7 (Muhammad Asghar S/O Muhammad Aslam at Multan Institute of Cardiology, Multan. Whether my post is eligible with up-gradation of clerical staff Because my eligibility is D.Com with accounts but a post of Accounts Clerk in BPS -7 (Name: Ehsan Ahmed S/O Khan Muhammad) has been upgraded here with same eligibility (D.Com with Accounts). Please clear this ambiguity in service rule 2003 another point that a Junior Clerk elgibility is (Matric)?

  7. Miss. Kindly share rule or notification in which Assistant post bifurcate. and status of Statistical Assistant in this matter. I come to know that S&Gad only sanction post is Assistant and further department use and change name for requirement.


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