Advance Increments to Teachers-Decision of the Court

The Lahore High Court Lahore has issued judgment sheet on 07-09-216 in connection with Advance Increments to Teachers of the Punjab Govt Schools who were earlier deducted the advance increments.

Advance Increments to Teachers-Decision of the Court

After arguing the matter at some length, learned counsel for the petitioners states that the petitioners would be satisfied if the matter is referred to Secretary Finance Govt of the Punjab, Civil Secretariat, Lahore (Respondent No.1) with a direction to look into their grievances and decide the same in accordance with law.

The request being tenable, learned Additional Advocate General concurs with the same. Consequently this petition is disposed of with the direction to the Office to immediately remit a copy of this petition along with all the annexure to respondent No.1 who shall treat it as representation of the petitioners. And look into their grievance and decide the same in accordance with law, relevant rules, policies applicable thereto after hearing all concerned through a well reasoned order according to section 24-A of the General Clauses Act 1897 expeditiously with specific reference to the judgment of this court rendered at Multan Bench in W.P No. 15307/15 provided that same has not been suspended by the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan. Learned law officer shall ensure the compliance of this order.


Advance Increments to Teachers



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