Up-gradation of Statistical Assistant BPS-14 to BPS-16

Government of the Pakistan, Statistic Division Pakistan Bureau of Statistic has issued Office Order No. PBS.RS.8(153)/2014-249 dated 29-03-2017 in connection with Up-gradation of Statistical Assistant BPS-14 to BPS-16. The summary of the same is as under:

In pursuance of Establishment Division O.M.No.8/7/2016-R-6 (Pl-ll) dated 25.10.2016, Finance Division (Regulation Wing) O.M.F.No.6(4) R-l/2006-831/2016 dated 11.01.2017, on the recommendation of Departmental Promotion Committee and with the approval of Chief Statistician, the following Statistical (BS-14) working at PBS, Lahore are up-graded to BS-16 w.e.f 01-07-2016.


Up-gradation of Statistical Assistant


Up-gradation of Statistical Assistants


Up-gradation Statistical Assistant


See also  Notification of Statistical Assistant Upgradation

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One thought on “Up-gradation of Statistical Assistant BPS-14 to BPS-16

  1. What about the newly recruited Assistants who have just been designated as Statistical Assistants in BPS-15, will they be automatically entitled to the up-gradation to BPS-16 after appointment or will they spend a period of time in their current scale before becoming eligible for up-gradation? Any feedback from those working in PBS will be highly appreciated.


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