Constitution Committee for Employees who have Not Been Upgraded

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification No.  FD.PC,40-149/2013 dated 19-06-2017 in connection with Constitution Committee for Employees who have Not Been Upgraded.

After up-gradation of posts of Junior Clerk, Assistant, Superintendent, etc.,” the employees whose posts have not been up-gradation are approaching for up-gradating of their posts as well. Therefore, Chief Secretary has been pleased to constitute following Committee for thrashing out and setting all such matters within fortnight positively:

  1. Additional Chief Secretary                                      Chairman
  2. Finance Secretary                                                      Member
  • Secretary (Regulations), S&GAD                            Member
  1. Concerned Administrative Secretary Member
  2. Deputy Secretary (PC), Finance Department Member/Secretary
  3. First meeting of the Committee is scheduled to be held on 20.06.2017 at 11.00 a.m. in the Committee Rook of Office of Additional Chief Secretary.
  4. All Administrative Departments are requested to place the demands of employees regarding up-gradation of their posts on the analogy of up-gradation of clerical posts in the shape of working paper.


Constitution Committee for Employees

Constitution Committee for Employees 2


See also  Request for Upgradation of the Post of Computer Operators/DATA Entry Operators from BPS-11/12 to BPS-16

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9 thoughts on “Constitution Committee for Employees who have Not Been Upgraded

  1. جونیئر کلر ک سکیل 11 کے لئے بنیادی تعلیم بی اے سیکنڈ ڈویژن یونی چایئے؟ شکیل اعوان۔ 0300.5302585

  2. رانا اجمل سہیل · Edit

    پیوستہ رہ شجر سے امید بہار رکھ دوستو اپنی کوشش جاری رکھو اور امید بھی رکھو اللہ ہمارے مطالبات کو پورا کرے۔آمین


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