Instructions pertaining to the payment to the Work Charged Employees

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 8-05-2017 in connection with Instructions pertaining to the payment to the Work Charged Employees. Summary is as under:

Kindly refer to the subject noted above in the above titled case, the Honourable Mr. Justice Muhammad Ameer Bhatti LHC Bahawalpur Bench, Bahawalpur directed to chalk out mechanism / permanent solution for payment to the Work Charged employees. In this respect, the following intrusions are being issued and be complied with positively:

  1. Work Charged employee is a workman who has been engaged for the actual execution of specific work or sub –work of specific project which is of an essentially nature likely to be finished within period.

Further details are available at the copy of the Notification of Instructions pertaining to the payment to the Work Charged Employees.


Work Charged Employees



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