Request for Upgradation Clerical Staff Federal Departments on the Analogy of Provincial Governments

Deputy Inspector General of Police, Central National Highways & Motorway Police NH&MP Building Babu Sabu Lahore has submitted a letter on 08-08-2017 in connection with Request Upgradation Clerical Staff Federal Departments on the Analogy of Provincial Governments. Summary is as under:

Please find enclosed herewith a self-explanatory application submitted by the ministerial (clercial staff) present posted in N-5 Central Zone, on the Subject cited above.

The ministerial (Clerical) staff have requested that all the Provincial Government i.e. Punjab, Sindh Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. & Baluchistan has upgraded their clerical staff i.e. Superintendent, Assistant/Head Clerk, UDC and LDC according the following pay scale whereas federal Government employees have not been upgraded on the same analogy. They have requested that clerical of Federal Government may be upgrade on the pattern of Provincial Govt.

Comparison of Pay Scales of Federal and Provincial Government Clerical staff after up gradation

Designation Federal Punjab Sindh     KPK Balochistan AJK
Superintendent BPS-16/17 BPS-17 BPS-17 BPS-17 BPS-17 BPS-17
Assistant/Head Clerk BPS-15 BPS-16 BPS-16 BPS-16 BPS-16 BPS-16
      UDC BPS-11 BPS-14 BPS-14 BPS-14 BPS-14 BPS-14
       LDC BPS-9 BPS-11 BPS-11 BPS-11 BPS-11 BPS-11


The request of clerical staff is hereby forwarded for further necessary action in the matter, please.


Upgradation Clerical Staff Federal Departments




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16 thoughts on “Request for Upgradation Clerical Staff Federal Departments on the Analogy of Provincial Governments

  1. Medam, please yeh bataao k aakhir kar Federal Govt Clerical Staff ko upgrade kyun nahein kar rahe, please medam explain in detail.. ….

  2. It is submitted that Junior Auditors and senior Auditors were upgraded in 2010 with back benefits with effect from 2005 while before 2007 LDC UDC and Auditor posts were same


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