Notification of Educational Stipend Award 2017 Federal Govt Employees’ Children

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division Staff Welfare Organization has issued Notification No. 7(38)/SWO-K/2017-18/594 dated 30-08-2017 in connection with Educational Stipend Award 2017 Federal Govt Employees’ Children.

Applications are invited on prescribed forms for stipend awards to the children of serving, retired and families of deceased Federal Govt Employees for the financial year 2017-18.

Stipend will be considered only for bona-fide students studying in educational institutions from onward class for the year 2017-18 as detailed below:

Basic Pay Scale                         Class of Entitlement Cost of Form
BPS-01 to BPS-04 From 5th Class Onwards Rs. 05/-
BPS-05 to BPS-16 From 6th Class onwards Rs.10/-
BPS-17 to BPS-22 From 11th Class onwards Rs.10/-
BPS-1 to BPS-22 Huffaz & Merit Rs.10/-


Last date to submit the application forms is 31-10-2017. Special thanks to Mr. Liaquat Ali Kamboh for sending the copy of the Notification of Educational Stipend Award 2017 Federal Govt Employees’ Children.


Educational Stipend Award 2017


See also  Extension Winter Holidays 2022-23

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6 thoughts on “Notification of Educational Stipend Award 2017 Federal Govt Employees’ Children

  1. i belong to gilgit baltistan a new province that has not established provincial benevolent fund. i am employ of the GB government and my benvelent fund is still in federal trust. can i apply for the reimbesment of fee of my daughtr who is currnently studying in NUST islam abad.

  2. which form is to be filled for getting educational stipend for huffaz children of serving govt. employees? what are the basic requirements and eligibility criteria for them?


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