Establishment of Medical College at District Mianwali

Prime Minister Office Islamabad has issued letter on 14-02-2018 in connection with Establishment of Medical College at District Mianwali. Detail is as under:

While addressing a public gathering at Essa Khel, District Mianwali on 10 February, 2018 the Prime Minister has been pleased to make the following announcements:

     S #      Announcement Made       Action By
i.  Inclusion of Massan Interchange (Tehsil & District Minwali) and Klaur Shareef (Tesil Minawail in next Year`s PSDP 2018-19’ M/o     planning Development and Reform
     ii. Establishment of Medical Collage at District Minanwali.  M/ o  National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination
     iii. Provision of gas to UC No.12 Tola Bangi Khel and UC No.13 Tibbi sir (as per policy for provision of gas within the radius of 5 km to the gas exploration area). M/ o Petroleum
       iv. Provision of gas to Agri Teach. M/ o Petroleum


  1. Further necessary action may please be taken accordingly.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Establishment of Medical College at District Mianwali.


Medical College at District Mianwali


See also  Summary Professional Allowances for Nurses in Balochistan

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