Directions / Instructions Regarding Constitution of School Councils in Private Schools

Office of the Executive Officer, District Education Authority Multan has issued letter on 30-03-2019 in connection with Directions / Instructions Regarding Constitution of School Councils in Private Schools. Details are as under:

Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Govt. of the Punjab, School Education Department, Lahore`s letter No. SO (A-1) 3-4/2015 (P-II) dated 07-03-2019 regarding the above mentioned subject.

You are requested to direct the Assistant Education Officers of your wing to pass on the directions to the principals/Owners of privately managed schools for constitution of councils under the principals Private Educational Institution (Promotion & Regulations) Ordinance 1984 amended till date Moreover, a copy the school councils notified by the concerned principal/ Owner may also be submitted to the office of the under signed within 07 days positively so that the report in this regard may be furnished to higher authorities. Make sure that the School councils constituted may have the fair representation of the parents of the students.    

Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Hussain for sending the copy of the letter of Directions / Instructions Regarding Constitution of School Councils in Private Schools.

School Councils in Private Schools
Private schools councils
See also  Notification of Special Judicial Allowance Sindh

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