Directorate General Health Services Punjab Lahore has issued Notification on 16-05-2019 in connection with Guidelines in Formulating Seniority List of Lady Health Workers and Lady Health Supervisors. Detail is as under:
In continuation of this Directorate order No.31166/PA/DGHS, dated 18.12.2018, No.299/PA/DGHS, dated 13.02.2019 and No.400/PA/DGHS, dated 04.03.2019 respectively, all Chief Executive Officers of District Health Authorities in the Punjab are hereby directed to follow the following guideline in formulating the District wise Seniority list of Lady Health Supervisors and lady Health Workers.
- Seniority to be based on the date of joining.
- In case more than one official has same date of joining than of birth may be taken as index of seniority.
- Inter see seniority to be maintained from the date of their appointment under Section-7 (ii) of the Punjab Civil Servant Act, 1974 and Rules-8 (1)(a)(b) of the Punjab Civil Servant (Appointment and Condition of Service) Rules 1974.
2. The seniority list formulated according to the aforementioned criteria should be displayed in respective District offices to invite feedback and grievances by 10.06.2019. Thereafter the final seniority list to be submitted to Director Health Services (P&D) of this Directorate not later than 22.06.2019 (Both hard 7 soft copies as earlier directed).
3. Urgent attention is solicited to the matter.