Notification of Opening of Nine Departments in Sindh wef 11th May 2020

Government of Sindh, Services, General Administration and Coordination Department has issued Notification on 10-05-2020 in connection with Opening of Nine Departments in Sindh wef 11th May 2020. The details of the same Notification are as under:


Opening of Nine Departments in Sindh


NO.AS(SGA&CD)COVID-19 /2020: In Continuation of this department’s notification of even No, dated 15th April 2020 and as precautionary measures against the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Government of Sindh has decided to open the offices of Secretaries of following Administrative Departments only within Minimum essential staff with effect from 11th May 2020. Administrative Departments are required to implement the instructions contained in the Advisory issued by Health Department vide letter No. TO-VII((PH)NCOV-2/2020/32, dated May 9, 2020.


List of Offices


  1. Auqaf, Religious Affairs Zakat & Ushar Department.
  2. Human Rights Department.
  3. Industries & Commerce Department.
  4. Information, Science & Technology Department.
  5. Investment Department.
  6. Minorities Affairs Department.
  7. Social Welfare Department.
  8. Universities & Boards Department.
  9. Works & Services Department.


Administrative Secretaries are required to ensure the opening of the Engineering Wings of their respective departments throughout the province for construction work.

A copy of this Notification, the concerned office has submitted to various offices for their information and necessary action. Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Saleem who sent a copy of this Notification.



Notification of Opening of Nine Departments in Sindh wef 11th May 2020


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