Revised Schedule of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Exams 2021 BISE Multan

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Multan has issued a press release on 17-06-2021 in connection with the Revised Schedule of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Exams 2021 BISE Multan. The details are as under:


Revised Schedule of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Exams 2021 BISE Multan


According to the press release issued by Multan Board on 17-06-2021, the following schedule, the Board issued for SSC-I. SSC-II, HSSC-I, and HSSC-II Annual exams 2021:


For You: BISE Gujranwala Date Sheet 2021 10th & 12th 


Sr. No Name of Exam Date Day
1 Intermediate Part-II (2nd Year) 10th July 2021 Saturday
2 Matric (10th Class) 29th July 2021 Thursday
3 Intermediate Part-I (1st Year) 12th August 2021 Thursday
4 Matric (9th Class) 28th August 2201 Saturday

Back Ground of the Amendment of Date Sheets


It is to mention here that Multan Board has amended the schedule of Annual Exams 2021 many times. The BISE Multan issued date sheets for SSC and HSSC exams and at a later stage, the board had to make changes in it. Sometimes the Board totally canceled the date sheets. Before this Multan Board has also issued Date Sheet SSC and HSSC Annual Exams 2021. Now the final schedule the Board declared.

            There were rumors that the BISE Multan will cancel all the exams and pass the students without any exams. But the board keeps on with its words and finally announced the schedule for Class IX, X, XI, and XII.

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            The Board had to make amendments many times as the COVID-19 was at its peak in Pakistan due to the third wave. Now the situation is under control. The Government only delayed the exams to give the students time to prepare for the exams. Now I hope these are the final dates.


Revised Schedule of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Exams 2021 BISE Multan

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