Time scale personal upgradation computer operator district judiciary

Notification of Time scale personal upgradation computer operator district judiciary has been issued by Finance Department Punjab on 06-12-2021.

Time scale personal upgradation computer operator district judiciary


I am directed to refer to your letter No.1014/LCE/1E/VII.B.3(02)-58354, dated 09.10.2021, on the subject noted above and to state that Shahzada Nadeem is one of the petitioners in WP No.5407/2020 disposed of vide Order dated 21-09-2021with direction to worthy Finance Secretary to decide the representation of the petitioners. A personal hearing was held on 26.10.2021. Speaking order has been issued on 09.10.2021; wherein, the incumbent of the post of Computer Operator (BS-14) including the above applicant, keeping in view the prescribed qualification, have declared to be entitled to up-gradation / re-designation as a Computer Operator (BS-15) in light of Sr.No.2 of the table in para-1 of Notification, dated 14.12.2018 read with clarification, dated 03.09.2019 and they have also been declared to be entitled to Time Scale Personal Up-Gradation (TSPU) with effect from the date of completion of 8 years regular service in light of para-1(v) of Notification  No.FD.PC.40-43/2017(E), dated 14.12.2018.

  1. I am further directed to state that the applicant is claiming TSPU as Senior Computer Operator (BS-16) w.e.f. 28.02.2017 (date of completion of 8 years regular service as Computer Operator BS-14) as his date of appointment is 28.02.2009; whereas, the above policy is effective from 14.12.2018. Hence, he would be entitled to TSPU as Senior Computer Operator (BS-16) w.e.f. 14.12.2018 (date of introduction of policy) instead of 28.09.2017 (date of completion of 8 years regular service as Computer Operator BS-14).
See also  DPC for Promotion Officials of BPS-14. BPS-15 & BPS-16 in All Categories-Health Department Sindh

Special Thanks: Mr. Fida Hussain



Time scale personal upgradation computer operator district judiciary

TSPU Computer Operator

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