Approval of Time Scale Policy Federal Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16

Government of Pakistan, the Ministry of Interior issued a Notification on 25-11-2022 in connection with the Approval of Time Scale Policy Federal Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16. The details are as under:

Approval of Time Scale Policy Federal Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16 (Nov 2022)


Reference To this Ministry’s Circular of even number dated 1st September 2022 on the subject cited above.

                As per the Regulation wing of the Finance Division, instructions were issued vide their OM No. 9(7)R-I/2014-233/2022 dated 28th May 2022. Prime Minister has been pleased to accord approval to the grant of a higher time scale to BPS-01 to BPS-16 all Civil Servants of the Federal Government thrice during the entire service as per the following pattern:


Pattern of TS


Sr. No TS No                                                Length of Service
1 1st Time Scale On completion of ten years of service in the current substantive
2 2nd Time Scale On completion of eight years of service in the current substantive
3 3rd Time Scale On completion of eight years of service in the current substantive

Provision of Irrevocable Option

All Library /Stenotypists /Staff Car Drivers / Dispatch Riders/DMOs/Qasids/Daftry are once again requested to submit their own irrevocable option whether they want to continue with the old time scale/move-up or new time scale policy on or before 05-12-2022 positively.


Conditions for Time Scale BS-01 to BS-16
  • The effective date of the time scale is the date of the Time Scale Committee’s meeting. If the time scale is due to an employee on a particular date but TSC’s meeting did not hold he/she will not be eligible for the same from the date of approaching his/her time scale. However, he/she will get the TS with effect from the date of the TSC meeting
  • The employees will get a Time Scale Promotion a maximum of three times in the whole of their service. If a promotion occurs during this period, his/her one chance will lapse for each promotion.
  • After promotion, the time scale period will be counted as fresh from the date of promotion.
  • The employees who are already availing of time scale or move-up (Moving One Scale Up) benefits will have to provide a certificate of option for new or old policy.
See also  Notification of Holiday on 9th and 10th September 2019 Sindh


Approval of Time Scale Policy Federal Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16

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