Notification KPK GP Fund Interest Rates (Mark-Up Rates) 2023-24

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department issued a Notification on 04-09-2024 in connection with KPK GP Fund Interest Rates 2023-24. The KP Government also followed the Federal Government for issuing Mark-up Rates on the General Provident Fund (GP Fund) for the 2023-24 fiscal year. This Year Kp Government announced mark-up rates @ 13.97% while the previous year these rates were 14.22%. The federal Govt also issued the same rates. The details are as follows:

KPK GP Fund Interest Rates 2023-24


As per the Notification, I am directed to refer to Finance Division, Government of Pakistan letter No.F.8(1)GS-I/2018-495 dated 29.08.2024 on the subject noted above and to convey the following rates of markup on the State Provident Fund (G.P Fund) fixed by the Federal Government for the financial years noted against each, for its adaptation and further necessary action:-


Fiscal Years                                       Rate of Markup
2021-2022 12.40%
2022-2023 14.22%
2023-2024 !3.97%

You may also like: GP Fund Mark-up Rates Federal 2023-24

KPK GP Fund Interest Rates 2023-24


The employees of KP who have interest-free GP Funds will have no benefit from these new rates. Their amount will remain the same as the actual they deposited or available in their GP Fund balances. The employees having interest on their GP Fund balances will get a 13.97% mark-up on their General Provident Fund deposits.

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