Merit Calculation, Eligibility Criteria, Qualification for STI Jobs 2025 Punjab

Merit Calculation, Eligibility Criteria, Qualification for STI Jobs 2025 Punjab

I am sharing the details of the Calculation of Merit for STI Vacancies 2025 SED Punjab. The School Education Department Punjab has issued an ad for the iring of STIs in Punjab Government Schools. I have also already shared the procedure to Apply Online for STIs Jobs 2025 in School Education Department Punjab. Now I am providing further details regarding qualification, eligibility criteria, and other terms and conditions for these temporary teachers’ jobs in Punjab. The details are as follows.


Calculation of Merit for STI Vacancies 2025 SED Punjab


Consequent upon approval from the Competent Authority/ Chief Minister of Punjab, the School Education Department has been pleased to launch the School Teacher Internship Program, 2024 in Punjab. The Program shall not only provide opportunities to youth, aspiring to become teachers in the future but it will also provide quality human resources. The School Teacher Interns shall be engaged in Primary, Elementary, High, and Higher Secondary Schools in Punjab.

  1. The program shall be instrumental in community engagement through School Management Councils, retention of teachers, and protection of the academic interests of students.


  1. Eligibility Criteria


All aspiring candidates (Men, Women, and Transgenders) shall be eligible to apply for School Teacher Internship Program as per the following criteria:


Sr. No Academic Qualification Age Limit School Level Experience
01 MA/MSc/BS Hons in a relevant subject. 21 to 45 Years High & Higher Secondary Fresh aspiring candidates having relevant qualifications may be encouraged to apply. However, preference may be given to candidates having teaching experience.
Preference shall be given to candidates having professional qualifications i.e. M.Ed, B.Ed in addition to the above-cited qualifications.
02 MA/MSc/BS Hons/B.A/B.Sc. -do- Elementary Fresh aspiring candidates having relevant qualifications may be encouraged to apply. However, preference may be given to candidates having teaching experience.
Preference shall be given to candidates having professional qualifications i.e. B.Ed in addition to the above-cited qualifications.
03 Minimum B.A/B.Sc. -do- Primary Fresh aspiring candidates having relevant qualifications may be encouraged to apply. However, preference may be given to candidates having teaching experience.
Preference shall be given to candidates having professional qualifications i.e. B.Ed in addition to the above-cited qualifications.

Temporary Local Hiring


Aspiring candidates shall apply online. There shall be a listed wise pool of aspiring candidates. The aspiring candidates out of the said pool, shall be temporarily hired through School Management Councils. Only the residents of the village/moza/ward where the hiring school is situated shall be considered for hiring as per the provisions of the instant program. In case of non-availability of suitable candidate(s) from the same village/moza/ward, the candidates from the neighboring Union Council(s) shall be temporarily hired. The School Management Council of the relevant school shall verify the residential status of the candidate(s).

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III. Selection Procedure


The selection procedure shall be as under:


Steps Details
Need Assessment The Principal / Head of the relevant school shall assess the need for hiring of School Teacher Intern(s) (STIs), in consultation with two members of SMC (to be nominated by the DEO concerned).
Advertisement by the school The Principal / Head of the relevant school shall ensure wide publication of available vacancies for STIs for general information of all concerned. Local newspapers/official websites/social media handles of school departments/notice boards of DDEO/DEO/CEO offices may be used for the purpose.
Application Submission All aspiring candidates shall apply online on the portal (link shall be shared in the publication of vacancies by the Principal / Head of the school).
Scrutiny of applications, documents, ranking, and display of merit list 1. The Principal / Head of the relevant school shall scrutinize the applications, and academic documents of applicants and shall make a ranking of candidates as per the below-given ranking criteria.
2. The merit list will be uploaded on the portal as well as displayed on the notice board of the school.
3. Only short listed candidate(s) shall be called for interview.
Date of Interview 1. The short-listed candidate(s) shall be issued interview call letters at least three days before the date of the interview.
2. The schedule of interviews shall also be displayed on notice boards of the relevant school/DDEO/DEO/CEO offices.
3. A list of successful candidates (with marks) shall be uploaded on the portal to ensure transparency as well as on the notice board of relevant school/DDEO/DEO/CEO offices.
Issuance of hiring letter The Principal / Head of the relevant school shall issue a hiring letter in favor of the selected candidate(s) within three days of the display of the final merit list.
Next-in-Merit If, at any stage, it is discovered that any STI secured his/her placement based on forged/bogus documents, or through deceit by any other means, the placement shall be canceled immediately.

Hiring Committee


The STI Hiring Committee shall be as under:
a) Principal / Head – In chair
b) Concerned AEO (Primary & Elementary level schools) / DDEO (High, Higher Secondary level schools) – Member
c) One parent member from SMC (to be nominated by DDEO concerned in case of Primary & Elementary level and DEO concerned for High, Higher Secondary level) – Member


Qualification Marks Criteria


1 Master 36 36 34 32 28 24
A Bachelor 15 15 14.5 14 12 10
2 BS 55 55 49.5 44 38.5 33
3 Intermediate 15 15 13.5 12 10.5 9
4 Matric 15 15 13.5 12 10.5 9
5 Professional Qualification
B.Ed / M.Ed = 10 marks
6 Teaching Experience Fresh aspiring candidates are encouraged to apply. However, preference may be given to those having teaching experience.
7 Interview Marks 05
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Code of Conduct


  1. a) The STIs shall follow the terms and conditions of their letter of agreement. They shall follow rules, regulations, policies, and instructions issued by the department from time to time, and discipline the school.
  2. b) They shall be required to be professional, regular & punctual, and display good character. They shall treat all teachers and students with dignity, respect, and fairness. They shall not indulge in any political or any other activity, unbecoming of a teacher. Any violation of the code of conduct/terms and conditions of the letter of agreement and any of the following:
  3. Code of Conduct (Continued)
  4. a) Misconduct
    b) Willful absence from duty for more than 7 days in a month (continuously or otherwise).
    c) Causing damage to school property or record.
    d) Infliction of corporal punishment on a student.
    e) Inefficiency and non-delivery of quality education to the students.
    f) Provision of bogus degrees/documents.

(c) The Principal/Head shall issue an explanation to the STI, involved in violation of the code of conduct/Terms and Conditions or above-mentioned grounds. Written reply to the charge(s) of explanation shall be sought from the concerned STI and the same shall be placed before members of the Hiring Committee for their decision regarding termination of the letter of agreement.

VII. Key Performance Indicators

The following are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for STIs:
a. Good pedagogical skills
b. Planning of teaching lessons
c. Delivery of lessons as per prescribed curriculum
d. Checking of homework of the students
e. Examinations and assessment of the students
f. Maintenance of students’ progress report
g. Assistance to the head teacher in planning/executing academic, sports, and co-curricular activities
h. Meeting parents (if nominated by Principal/Head) to apprise them about the progress of students
i. Character building of the students

VIII. Attendance and Performance

The Principal/Head of the school shall maintain a separate attendance register for STIs and ensure attendance daily. The AEO/Dy. The DEO concerned shall monitor the attendance register of STIs and verify the same before the release of salary to STIs every month. The performance of STIs shall be monitored by the concerned Principal/Head of the school.

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Monthly Stipend


Monthly Stipend of STIs (Primary, Elementary, High & Higher Secondary level) shall be paid through cross cheque. The monthly stipend shall be as under:

Primary level Elementary level High & Higher Secondary level
38,000 40,000 45,000

Tenure / Duration


The hiring of STIs shall be on a non-transferable and purely temporary basis in a particular school. A selected STI may be hired for a period of up to nine (09) months, excluding summer vacations, under the terms and conditions of the letter of agreement (Annexure-A).


  1. General

For the sake of clarity and transparency, it is reiterated that:

  1. Enrollment of Students in 2nd shift classes shall not be considered for the need assessment of STIs in school. The Principal/Head found guilty of concealment of facts in this regard shall be proceeded under the PEEDA Act, 2006.
  2. The STIs shall be hired solely for academic purposes and the Principal/Head of the relevant school shall not utilize their services in running the administrative affairs of the school.
  3. STIs (Men) shall be hired and posted in Boys’ schools only. Similarly, STIs (Women) shall be hired and posted in Girls’ schools only.
  4. STIs (transgender) may be posted in Boys’/Girls’/Transgender schools.
  5. Letter of agreement of an STI may be terminated without assigning any reason.





  • The monthly stipend shall be paid as per the criteria mentioned in para IX above.

Duration / Term of Internship

  • Up to 9 months, excluding summer vacations.


  • No TA/DA shall be admissible.


  • Two casual leaves per month shall be allowed with prior permission from the authority.


  • The placement shall be non-transferable.

Provision of bogus documents

  • At any stage, if it is discovered that any STI secured his/her placement based on forged/bogus document(s), or through deceit by any means, the placement shall be considered void ab initio.

Joining period

  • Three working days shall be the joining time from the issuance of the letter of agreement. An extension of three working days in the joining period may be obtained from the Principal/Head of the relevant school, failing which his/her letter of agreement shall stand canceled, and the next in-merit candidate may be offered the letter of agreement.

No right of regular placement

  • Hiring of STIs shall be a non-transferable temporary arrangement in a particular school. Placement shall neither confer any right of regular placement nor regularization of the candidate in service under any circumstances.

Experience certificate

  • Upon completion of tenure, an experience certificate in favor of the candidate may be issued.

Termination of Internship

  • As mentioned in para VI and XI of the policy.




Calculation of Merit for STI Vacancies 2025 SED Punjab
Calculation of Merit for STI Vacancies 2025 SED Punjab

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