Government Jobs through Open Testing Service (OTS) 2025

I am sharing the latest Govt Vacancies through OTS 2025 under the Federal Government of Pakistan. These jobs are SG-I, SG-V and SG-VIII. The details are as follows:


The Latest Govt Vacancies through OTS 2025


Applications are invited from candidates who fulfill the prescribed qualifications and experience for recruitment on the prescribed proforma.


Table of Job Positions


Sr. No. Post No of Posts Qualification and Experience
1 Assistant Director Research (OG-V) 01-Vacancy Master or equivalent degree (sixteen years of education) in Social Sciences, Management Sciences, or Humanities from HEC recognized university and know research techniques/research methodology. The candidate should be able to conduct research independently. Age 20-25 years.
2 Assistant Director PDP (OG-V) 01-Vacancy Master’s or equivalent degree (sixteen years of education) in Social or Administrative Sciences/Management Sciences. Proficiency in the use of a computer is a must. Age 20-25 years.
3 Assistant Research Officer (SG-I) 01-Vacancy Master or equivalent degree (sixteen years of education) in Social Sciences or Administrative Sciences/Management Sciences or ACMA from a recognized university. Age 20-25 years.
4 Telephone Operator (SG-V) 01-Vacancy HSSC with 2 years’ experience in handling the digital telephone exchange. Age 20-35 years.
5 Office Attendant (SG-VIII) 01-Vacancy Middle with experience. Age 20-35 years.


Terms and Conditions


  1. General age relaxation of five years in the upper age limit as per Government policy.
  2. Only those candidates possessing certificates/degrees from the institutions recognized by the Government/HEC are eligible to apply.
  3. Persons already in Government Service may apply through the proper channel.
  4. No TA/DA will be paid for the test/interview(s).
  5. Only short-listed candidates will be called for test/interview(s).
  6. The organization reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process partially or totally or to increase or decrease the number of advertised posts.
See also  BPS-01 to BPS-03 Non-Technical Latest Vacancies in Sanghar


How to Apply?


  1. Applications must be reached at the given address no later than 15 days after the publication of the advertisement.
  2. Open Testing Service will not be responsible for late receipt of the application sent through post or by any other service.
  3. After applying for the post(s), applicants are advised to regularly check the OTS website ( for important announcements (Procedure for Roll No. Slip/Written Test Schedule/Result, etc.) related to recruitment against the above posts.
  4. Interested candidates can submit online applications on and send the printed registration form to the OTS Address.


The Latest Govt Vacancies through OTS 2025


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