Regular Jobs in Employees Social Security Institution (ESSI) 2025

There is a recent announcement for the Latest ESSI Vacancies 2025. These jobs in Employees Social Security Institution are on a regular basis. The details are as follows:

The Latest ESSI Vacancies 2025

Online applications are invited from eligible candidates of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for filling the following vacant positions on a regular basis in the Employees Social Security Institution (ESSI) as per prescribed requirements/qualifications.

Jobs in Employees Social Security Institution

Sr. No Name of Post BPS Educational Qualification Criteria Age Limit No of Posts Quota Allocation
1 Pathologist BPS-18 a. Postgraduate degree/fellowship in the specialty from a recognized University/Institution with at least one year of experience in the relevant specialty before or after graduation. OR b. Diploma in the specialty from a recognized Institute with at least three years’ service in the relevant specialty. c. Candidates with the qualification at (b) shall be considered only when no suitable candidate with the qualification at (a) above is available 25-45 Years 01-Vacancy Merit = 01
2 Heaotlogist BPS-18 -do- -do- 01-Vacancy Merit = 01
3 Anesthetist BPS-18 -do- -do- 01-Vacancy Merit = 01
4 Medical Officer BPS-17 M.B.B.S / MD registered with the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council 21-35 Years 12-Vacancies Merit = 07, Minority = 01
5 Women Medical Officer BPS-17 M.B.B.S / MD registered with the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council 21-35 Years 07-Vacancies Merit = 05, Minority = 01
6 Physiotherapist BPS-17 DPT is a five-year program from a recognized University 21-35 Years 02-Vacancies Merit = 01, Minority = 01
7 Pharmacist BPS-17 Pharma-D recognized by University 21-35 Years 01-Vacancy Merit
8 Staff Nurse BPS-16 B.Sc Nursing 4 years degree OR Diploma in General Nursing and one year specialized post basic Diploma And duly registered with Pakistan Nursing Council 21-35 Years 08-Vacancies Merit
9 Junior Clinical Technician (MCH / LHV) BPS-12 Secondary school Certificate with at least 2nd Division in Science from a recognized board & Diploma of LHV and Midwifery from a recognized Nursing Examination Board 18-30 Years 07-Vacancies Merit = 06, Minority = 01
10 Junior Clinical Technician (Pharmacy) BPS-12 At least 2nd Division Secondary School Certificate with Science from a recognized board with a Diploma in the relevant Paramedical Technology from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Faculty or a Diploma in the relevant Paramedical technology from any recognized Institution provided that the same is registered with the Medical Faculty of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar. 18-30 Years 05-Vacancies Female = 03, Minority = 02
11 Junior Clinical Technician (Pathology) BPS-12 -do- 18-30 Years 16-Vacancies Merit = 13, Female = 01, Minority = 02
12 Junior Clinical Technician (Anesthesia) BPS-12 -do- 18-30 Years 04-Vacancies Merit
13 Junior Clinical Technician (Cardiology) BPS-12 -do- 18-30 Years 06-Vacancies Merit = 04, Female = 02
14 Junior Clinical Technician (Surgical) BPS-12 -do- 18-30 Years 05-Vacancies Merit
15 Junior Clinical Technician (Cardiology) BPS-12 -do- 18-30 Years 01-Vacancy Merit
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Administration Wing Jobs

S# Name of Post BPS Educational Qualification Criteria Age Limit No of Posts Quota Allocation
16 Audit & Accounts Officer BPS-17 M.Com / MBA (Finance) 21-35 Years 02-Vacancies Merit
17 Assistant Director BPS-17 2nd Class Master Degree in Social Science / Economics / MBA / LLB from a recognized University 21-35 Years 04-Vacancies Merit
18 Assistant BPS-16 Graduation with at least 2nd division from a recognized University Preferably computer literate 18-30 Years 06-Vacancies Merit
19 Computer Operator BPS-16 2nd class Graduation with a 1-year diploma in IT from the Board of Technical Education or its equivalent. 18-30 Years 02-Vacancies Merit = 01, Minority = 01
20 Junior Scale Stenographer BPS-14 Intermediate or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board, and a speed of 50 words per minute in Shorthand in English and 35 words per minute in typing with knowledge of Computer in using MS Word, MS Excel & Powerpoint 18-30 Years 02-Vacancies Merit
21 Junior Clerk (Male/Female) BPS-11 a. At least a Second-class intermediate certificate or equivalent qualification from a recognized board. b. A speed of 30 words per minute in typing 18-30 Years 04-Vacancies Merit = 02, Female = 01, Minority = 01

Terms & Conditions

  1. Candidates will be provisionally allowed to appear in the ETEA screening test based on the credentials provided. However, detailed scrutiny will be carried out by the appointing authority and if any candidate is found ineligible in any respect at any stage of the recruitment process, he/she will be disqualified by the Appointing Authority.
  2. Interview call letters will be issued to short-listed candidates only.
  3. Screening of candidates will be based on a test to be prescribed and conducted by ETEA.
  4. Candidates should be eligible in all respects before or by the last date of receipt of the applications.
  5. Incomplete applications and applications received after due dates will not be entertained.
  6. Relaxation of age will be admissible as per the existing Govt. Rules.
  7. The candidates working in Government/Semi-Government bodies should apply through the proper channel.
  8. Candidates intending to apply for more than one post shall apply separately for each post with a separate fee.
  9. Competent Authority reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies while mentioning a cogent reason thereof.
  10. No TA/DA will be admissible for test/interview.
  11. In case of foreign degree, equivalent certificates from HEC must be provided.
  12. Errors/Omissions in many posts are subject to rectification.
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How to Apply?

Interested candidates may first visit and apply for the posts online. The last date for submission of the Online Application Form is 3rd Feb 2025.


The Latest ESSI Vacancies 2025

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