Up-Gradation of LDCs and UDCs

LDCs and UDCs of RTO, Faisalabad have filed a writ petition in Lahore High Court, Lahore Bench for the up-gradation of the posts of LDCs and UDCs. They demanded that LDC that are in BPS-07 be up-graded to BPS-11 and UDC that are in BPS-09 be upgraded to BPS-13.
The writ petition has been filed against Secretary Establishment, Secretary Finance and others. The date of first hearing will soon be issued.

As you know that LDC and Junior Auditors and others were in the same scale before 01-07-2007 but junior auditors and others were upgraded to BPS-11 but LDC remained in the same scale ie BPS-07. Same is the situation with the UDC. Keeping in view the above facts the writ has been filed for the up-gradation of the clerks.

Updates Regarding Up-Gradation of Clerks UDC and LDC as on 15-02-2015

Next Date of Hearing is 16-02-2015 regarding Up-Gradation of Clerks UDC and LDC


Upgradation UDC LDC


Updates Regarding Up-Gradation of Clerks UDC and LDC as on 23-02-2015

Next date of hearing has been fixed on 19-03-2015. Updates by Mr. Javed Iqbal.


See also  Addition of Two More Districts in Rawalpindi Division

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71 thoughts on “Up-Gradation of LDCs and UDCs

  1. Assalam o Alaikum!
    I need a WAPDA notification of up gradation of LDC/UDC post in BPS-7/9 of 2008 o/o no. MD(PEPCO) office order No. 2254-67/MD/PEPCO/DDA/A-548 dated 15.03.2008.

  2. Asslamo alaikum!
    My question is about the upgradation of store keepers who are working in their intial scale. What are the reasons that you do not consider the post of store keeper and assisstamt store keeper as clerical post as junior clerk senior clerk UDC ,DIV,Library Clerk. These posts have been upgraded twice. When will store keeping staff be upgraded by Government.

  3. Ham to Dua Hi Karsaktai Han keh Allah Taalla Govt ko Insaf ki tofeeq dan keh sab Mulazimeen chaha LDC hai ya UDC hai ya koi aur post hai Provincial aur Federal K Barabar K Benefit Dilwadan.

  4. Respected i heard that FST issued a decision to finish the discrimination among the federal and provincial Clerks i.e UDC -14 and LDC -11 is it true? any updates about this

  5. Dear Madam

    You have any news/information about upgradation of LDC BPS-07 to BPS-11, UDC BPS-09 to BPS-14 and Assistant BPS-11 to BPS-16 in Federal Government like as KPK Govt. notification under consideration of Federal Government/Finance Division..

    Farooq Dar

    1. Now it is just problem of the Punjab Govt. because KPK vide notification No.FD/SO(FR)10-22/2014 dated 20.05.2014 has upgraded Junior Clerk from BS-07 to BS-11, Senior Clerk BS-09 to BS-14 and Assistant BS-14 to BS-16. so i request to Punjab Govt. please take notice for the genuine rights of the Clerks

  6. SALAM 2 ALL

    I would like to bring your kind notice about great disparity. the Govt of Pakistan upgraded the posts of LDC,UDC and assistant etc alongwith Junior auditor and senior auditor with effect from 1-7-2007, LDC and junior Auditors BPS 5 to BPS 7,UDC BPS 7 to BPS 9 and senior Auditor BPS 11 to 14 vide Fiance Division No.F.6(4)R.I/2006 dated 29-6-2007. Now the Finance Division has approved upgradation of the posts of Junior auditors BPS7 to BPS 11 and senior auditors Bps 14 50 BPS 18 etc with effect from 12-9-2005,with back benefits.vide their O.M F.No.9(9).Regs-i/2008 dated 24-8-2011.You are requested to kindly take up the case with Fiance Division Islamabad for upgradation of LDC,UDC and Assistant etc on the same Agnalogy for the grant of upgradation with retrospective effect ie with effect from 2005, as given to the Junior auditor and senior auditors etc.I hope you will fight for the genuine rights of clerks
    Your cooperation and struggle in this regard will be highly appreciated

    Allah Hafiz

  7. LDCs and UDCs of RTO Faisalabad are filed the
    Writ Petition of Upgradation in Lahore High Court Lahore .
    is this Writ Petition for back date upgradation W.E.F
    2005, like Auditors. I will be grateful to you if you update me.

  8. I would like to bring your kind notice about great disparity. the Govt of Pakistan upgraded the posts of LDC,UDC and assistant etc alongwith Junior auditor and senior auditor with effect from 1-7-2007, LDC and junior Auditors BPS 5 to BPS 7,UDC BPS 7 to BPS 9 and senior Auditor BPS 11 to 14 vide Fiance Division No.F.6(4)R.I/2006 dated 29-6-2007. Now the Finance Division has approved upgradation of the posts of Junior auditors BPS7 to BPS 11 and senior auditors Bps 14 50 BPS 18 etc with effect from 12-9-2005,with back benefits.vide their O.M F.No.9(9).Regs-i/2008 dated 24-8-2011.You are requested to kindly take up the case with Fiance Division Islamabad for upgradation of LDC,UDC and Assistant etc on the same Agnalogy for the grant of upgradation with retrospective effect ie with effect from 2005, as given to the Junior auditor and senior auditors etc.

  9. Govt of Pakistan upgraded the posts of LDC,UDC and assistant etc alongwith Junior auditor and senior auditor with effect from 1-7-2007, LDC and junior Auditors BPS 5 to BPS 7,UDC BPS 7 to BPS 9 and senior Auditor BPS 11 to 14 vide Fiance Division No.F.6(4)R.I/2006 dated 29-6-2007. Now the Finance Division has approved upgradation of the posts of Junior auditors BPS7 to BPS 11 and senior auditors Bps 14 50 BPS 18 etc with effect from 12-9-2005,with back benefits.vide their O.M F.No.9(9).Regs-i/2008 dated 24-8-2011.You are requested to kindly take up the case with Fiance Division Islamabad for upgradation of LDC,UDC and Assistant etc on the same Agnalogy for the grant of upgradation with retrospective effect ie with effect from 2005, as given to the Junior auditor and senior auditors etc.I hope you will fight for the genuine rights of clerks

  10. I m Storekeeper in BS-05 since 2005 in Federal Government. please guide me how can i go for upgradation as many other storekeepers are working in BS-11 and BS-14.




      1. Dear,
        I have already applied for upgradation with department, since lapse of 4 years department neither responded my application nor upgrade me, whenever i inquire about my application , they informed me that case is in progress. I know that case is filed. No further action taken by department.


  11. hello…. main national highway job krta hon… kia ap bta saktin hain ky national highway bs 07 or bs 09 or bs 14 kb tak upgride hony ky chanses hain… jub ky accounts main sub upgrade ho chuky hain….2012 sy
    sub sy zarori ky mjhy ye pta chala hai ky national highway walon ny koi case submit kia hai supreme court main ky ppp ki hukomat main jo bhi bhartian ki gien hain. wo inlegal hain

  12. LDCS UDCs and Auditors were same before 2007
    now the auditors are in BPS 11 and 16 with effect from 2005 any update about the up gradation of LDC UDC with effect from 2005 like audatiors

  13. LDCs and UDCs of RTO Faisalabad are filed the
    Writ Petition of Upgradation in Lahore High Court Lahore .Kindly let
    me know that is this Writ Petition for back date upgradation W.E.F
    2005, like Auditors

  14. A surplus employee is appointed/adjusted under WFAA to the lower level position has his original salary protected until such time as that person is appointed/repartriated to a position with a maximum rate of pay that is equal to the position from which they were declared surplus.
    Q.No.1: Appointed/adjusted in the month of August, pay/salary protected in lower grade on the date of adjustment, whether he is entitled to annual increment in the lower pay scale or may he opt for the deferement to accrue the annual increment in last pay scale under the rule of protection of pay?
    Q.No.1: After some years he has been appointed/repartriated to the same post, held before declaration of surplus, wether his pay would be taken as he was not declared surplus without benefit of arrears upto repartriation?
    In this respect, if you have some office orders, notifications, memorandums or circulars etc. please post on my mail. Thank you. Saleem Magsi, Hyderabad.

  15. LDCs and UDCs of RTO Faisalabad are filed the
    Writ Petition of Upgradation in Lahore High Court Lahore .Kindly let
    me know that is this Writ Petition for back date upgradation W.E.F
    2005, like Auditors

  16. AOA
    First of all i appriciate your efforts which u are doing for the benifits of the govt employees and pray for u for the success in your life.
    Secondly plz confirm about the upgradation of clarical staff of Fedral Govt Employees.

  17. Posts of Juniors auditors and seniors auditors was upgraded with back date benefits with effect from 2005 , while now upgraded the posts of LDC and UDC with effect from 2008 .why not upgraded the posts like auditors with effect from 2005 , before 2007 the post of auditor and LDC are same

  18. syed sajjad hussain · Edit

    Aslamo alikum and Eid Mubarak

    I want to know that i received a message regarding upgradation of posts of Assistnts senior clerak and junior clerak on 07.08.13 . please kia ya thek hay kay Ombdusman Punjab Javed Mehmood Sb nay order kiya hay upgradation ka .shukaria
    syed sajjad hussain from jhelum punjab pakistan 0302/5872541

  19. any update about LDC and UDCs up-gradation case?? last hearing date was 23-05-2013.. if you have any update kindly share with us thanks

  20. I would like to bring your kind notice that we are working in autonomus body governed by Board of governers under the cabnet division post name Technicacl assistant BPS 16.
    dear madam,
    since about 20 years we are on the same post and no promotion tooked.
    we are willing to file a petition but confused weather we file against our institution head or secretory cabnet or secretory establishment .
    plz do reply

  21. SALAM 2 ALL

    We are UDC appointed in an organization which comes under the Ministry of Defence, paid from the Civil Budget and Salaries are distributed through Controller of Naval Accounts, It is an attached department of Federal Govt and comes at S.No. 22A of Rules of Business. SInce this organisation is established Civilians are appointed and no Promotion of any rank take place. Since 23 Years all Civilians are working in their same cadres, WHenever asked about the Promotion they said WHen the Billets will be sanctioned by Establishment Div OR FInance Division You people will given promotion. We are very Hopeless and due to the fact being not known about the Rights We can claim, we suffer a lot…

    What is the solution of all the problem…. PLS help us out from all this Problematic situation…. As our PROMOTIONS are OVER DUE….

    What is the promotion Rules if in case no sanction billet in the Organisation.

    I will be really thankful to you.

    Allah Hafiz

  22. A similar case in FST, Up-gradation of UDC BS-9 to BS-13 :: Appeal filed by Mr. Mirza Nadeem Baig (RTO, Multan) VS FBR, Estb & Fin (175(R)CS/12), what is the latest in this case.

  23. LDCs and UDCs of RTO Faisalabad are filed the
    Writ Petition of Upgradation in Lahore High Court Lahore .Kindly let
    me know that is this Writ Petition for back date upgradation W.E.F
    2005, like Auditors

  24. Allah Tala he mehrbani farmay aur en ku hedayat dy werna wo waqat aanay wala hy k aik Graduate Clerk ka scale BPS-07 he rahy ga aur Pehly sclae ka Servant uska Officer bun jay ga.

  25. I would like to bring your kind notice about great disparity. the Govt of Pakistan upgraded the posts of LDC,UDC and assistant etc alongwith Junior auditor and senior auditor with effect from 1-7-2007, LDC and junior Auditors BPS 5 to BPS 7,UDC BPS 7 to BPS 9 and senior Auditor BPS 11 to 14 vide Fiance Division No.F.6(4)R.I/2006 dated 29-6-2007. Now the Finance Division has approved upgradation of the posts of Junior auditors BPS7 to BPS 11 and senior auditors Bps 14 50 BPS 18 etc with effect from 12-9-2005,with back benefits.vide their O.M F.No.9(9).Regs-i/2008 dated 24-8-2011.You are requested to kindly take up the case with Fiance Division Islamabad for upgradation of LDC,UDC and Assistant etc on the same Agnalogy for the grant of upgradation with retrospective effect ie with effect from 2005, as given to the Junior auditor and senior auditors etc.I hope you will fight for the genuine rights of clerks
    Your cooperation and struggle in this regard will be highly appreciated

  26. suna hy k WAPDA k clerks ne be Lahore High Court mein case dair kia howa hy aur court ne hukum dia hy k senior clerks to BPS-14 dy dia jay. kia ap ko es bary mein kuch malomat hein.


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