Vacancies in Pakistan Public Works Department

A number of vacancies in Pakistan Public Works Department have been announced. Last date to apply for these posts is 12th December 2014. Applications on a simple paper on the following format are required for these permanent/temporary vacancies.


Post Applied For___________________________________________ 
1 Name 2 Father’s Name
3 Date of Birth 4 Domicile
5 Qualification 6 Experience
7 CNIC No. 8 Postal Address
9 Cell/Contact No.


The detail of Vacancies in Pakistan Public Works Department is as under:


  1. No
Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No. of Posts
1 Assistant BPS-14 03
2 Stenotypist BPS-14 52
3 Sub-Engineer (Civil) BPS-11 160
4 Sub-Engineer (E/M) BPS-11 46
5 Estimator (Civil) BPS-11 33
6 Estimator (E/M) BPS-11 07
7 Horticulture Supervisor BPS-11 03
8 Senior Draftsman BPS-11 08
9 UDC BPS-09 01
10 Junior Draftsman BPS-09 11
11 Model Maker BPS-07 03
12 LDC BPS-07 20
13 Feroprinter BPS-03 02
14 Naib Qasid BPS-01 18


Public Works Department



See also  Jobs in LESCO 2019 through National Testing Service

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18 thoughts on “Vacancies in Pakistan Public Works Department

  1. dear mdm i was oppointed as a junior clerk in agriculture dept in 1997 at adhoc basis but after 4 month i was my job was dismissed due to charge oppointment during ban bur those days a letter by provincial govt was issued to dissmiss all employees that were oppointed during pp period of govt.but all fedrel govt emplees were again adjusted in pp govt during recent period 2008 to 2012 but provincial govt emplees are not adjusted plz guide what to do

  2. Dear Madam,
    I am working in F. G. E. I(C/G) as E. S. T. (B. P. S.9) and my Basic Pay is 8610/- Can I apply for Car Advance? Plz guide me procedure for said purpose.

  3. Salam Madam
    Let me know how to apply for these jobs? What documents you have to send for Sub Engineer (civil)?
    And kindly let me know about website too!!


  4. Asalam o Alekum
    Dear Sister,

    sister main 2010 main Asisstant pakg pay as a LDC fg schools main appoint hoa tha us waqt meri qualification B.A thi.
    Ab meri qualification M.A hy or B.Ed ka result bhi anay wala hy agr mera M.A,B.Ed ho jata hy tu kya main Director, FGEI (C/G) Rwp ko application day skta hon k meri post ko Teaching staff main convert kia jaye.
    please kuch is ka hal bata dain.

    1. Dear Rehan Assistance Package is for two years and if the Govt regularize after two years then i think u r no more under the assistance package so i think it is not possible so. However you can try for the same.

  5. I really appreciate the step initiated by this Department that the candidates are not bound to send the photocopies of documents as they checked the original documents at the time of interview. Through this practice they save the unemployed / poor candidates from photostat and other expenses. I Pray for the person to who initiate this practice.
    I humbly request you and all my fellows to initiate a campaign or activity to stop asking the documents copies and irrelevant fees and dues for applying the job.
    Please do the needful for unemployed youth of Pakistan as there is a possibility to face these expenses by us in term of our loved ones or dependents.


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