Notification of Time Scale Promotion to Employees of BPS-05 to BPS-16 Punjab

Government of Punjab Finance Department has also issued Notification No. FD.PC.39-14/77 (Pt.IV)(APCA/2008)(Provl.) dated 04-01-2016 in connection with Notification of Time Scale Promotion to Employees of BPS-05 to BPS-16 Punjab.

According to this Notification all the employees technical/non-technical from BPS-05 to BPS-16  which are isolated/stagnant (i.e having no promotion prospects) and have 10 years service to their credit in the respective pay scales to next pay scales with effect from 01-01-2016 . The incumbents shall further be promoted to next pay scales after earning each 10 years service.


time scale Notification Punjab


See also  Salary of a Newly Appointed Employee in 2014

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87 thoughts on “Notification of Time Scale Promotion to Employees of BPS-05 to BPS-16 Punjab

  1. Madam
    Store keepers and assistant store keeper are not technical post as they maintain their records in the books of their departments. Their nmenclature of these posts shows that they are clerical officials. They are educated having computer skill the meet of every office. All the store keeping staff has been upgraded and redesignated as clerical posts
    Assistant Store Keeper ….. Junior Clerk
    Store keeper ………………….Senior Clerk
    A NAIB QASID ho has no official experience have 20% qouta in promotion as Junior Clerk but a store keeper who already has required qualification has no chance of promotion
    They are working in the same post of their initial appointment. No body is ready to solve this inequality. A wave of disappointment and discemination is found all all store keeping staff in all over the Punjab.
    Can you telk me why the Government hesitates to upgrade and redesignate the posts of AK & ASK so that the store keepers and assistant store keepers in store kerper asociation Punjab, would be satisfied.

  2. I have been working as Stenographer in Selection Grade BS-15 for more than 23 years. Please inform me whether I will be allowed BS-16 or BS-17 as the time scale promotion’s letter speaks out that the incumbents shall further be promoted to next pay scale after earning each 10-year of service.

  3. ham 44 log hyn aor promotion seat sirf 1 hy aagy us vocancy ki pronotion nai hy. 44 logoon may sy sirf 1 admi ne promote hona hota hy baqi aksar log 5 scale me hi retire ho jaty hyn aksr ki service 25,30,35 years hy .kia us 1 promotion vocancy ki waja sy hameen time scale promotion nai mlega .pl. reply zaroor kreen

  4. sir.
    ap ki iss web pe main nay doo martaba question kia lekin ap ki taraf se aik martaba bhi answer nahi mila. kia maira question boht mushkail hay. aisay question aur logon ne bhi kiay hain lakin un ko bhi answer nahi maila
    . kindly ap guide krain k 20 years se ziyada service walon ko kia 2 step higher time scalle promotion milay gi.

  5. Aoa.

    Sir Kindly clear the point. agr koi employee last 28 years se aik hi scale main kaam kr raha ho kunke us ka koi promotion channel nahi tha tu phir kia us ko 2 scale hiher promotion ho gi. kunke notification k mutabiq “time scale on every 10 years ” ka tu yahi meaning hay. kindly ap iss point ko clear kr dn. thanx

  6. With regards
    I am appointed as stenographer in 1995 and now in BPS-14 in revenue departmnt and performing my duties in office of the assistant commissioner Pindi Bhattian. All the assistants have been promoted from BPS-14 to 16. But I am at same scale. pay scale 16 be given to me or not. please guide.

  7. Very nice efforts,helpful to government employees are appreciating.Madam what is this time scale formula on 10 years,as per service structure up gradation or or a simple move over.Means from 7 to 9,11 to 14 or 7 to 8 and 9 to 10 please clarify if you have some information.


  9. i am working as library assistant b.p.s 06 since 10-05-2006.but i was regularized from time scale ke lia meri contract service bhi count ho g ya nahi

  10. aoa madam main 2007 main steno bharti huwa tha regular post k againts ab mera scale BPS-14 hai kia mujhy time scale mily ga next year mujhy 10 sal ho jayen gy

  11. Aoa. Dear Madam! FGEI C/G Dte has announced the criteria of time scale promotion. For implementation what will be the next step? I have up graded to BPS-17 on 1-1-2011. Am I eligible for this time scale formula as I has served 20 years in BPS-16. I have retired on 9-6-2011. Please reply me in detail soon. 1/2

    As Lahore Court has announced gave the decision to make all the honorary staff permanent who were working in their institutions for a long time. Tell me what have been done for this so far.My son was working as honorary clerk since 5 years left this department dishurted neither he was made permanent nor he was encouraged. Let me know your opinion.2/2

    Please do reply me soon.

  12. Madam AOA, I am selection grade holder stenographers (BPS-15) in Agriculture Department, Government of Punjab, and have 16 years service in BPS 15. Time scale is allowed to me or not.

  13. Aslam o Alikum
    Madm kia yah notification Time scale wala

    Teaching Staff maslun P.S.T , E.S.T , S.S.T or None Teaching Staff C-IV Clerks wagira py applicable hy ya ni plz reply .

  14. revenated madam?
    is this notification of time scale promotion applicable to punjab police department?
    i will be highly oblige to you if you reply me.
    Muhammad nadeem butt,
    Punjab police,

  15. Madam
    Please clarify that the period more than ten years in the same scale will considered for the next up gradation?
    I am working on Block Channel post at BPS-16 more than sixteen years, my first ten years on the same scale will be considered for one scale up-gradation (i.e. for BPS-17) Whether the remaining six years period will be considered for next one scale up-gradation or not (i.e. BPS-18).
    What is the status of the Period more than 10-years service on the same scale.
    kindly clarify it.

    jazak ALLAH

  16. Madam Assalam o alikum i am EST english in education department and i am awaiting for promotion for 20 years this notification is applicable on me or not .plz tell me

  17. محکمہ تعلیم پنجاب میں انگلش ٹیچرز 20 سال سے تدریسی فرائض سرانجام دے رہے ہیں لیکن ابھی تک ان کی کوئی ترقی نہ ہوئی ہے اس نوٹیفیکیشن کے مطابق کیا وہ ان کو 14سے 16 دو سٹیپ آگے کیا جائے گا

  18. Muhammad Akbar Mujahid · Edit

    i m working as a projectionist bps-08 in Quid-e-Azam medical college Bahawalpur.plz clarify our post including category ?
    this post is same education criteria in Seikh Zayed Hospital lahore bps-11.plz help me how to our post up grade QMC Bahawalpur.

  19. A.O.A. Sir,
    I am working as head clerk for last 28 years in Punjab govt. Now i am upgraded in bs-16. I havn’t enjoy any promotion as well as no selection grade for last 28 years. Now where is my case placed either in up gradation or in time scale promotion. If my case is time scale then which grade/post will be given to me. plz reply must. iwill be obliged.

  20. AOA,
    I am working as Accountant BPS-16 since last 9 years, there is also a promotion channal for this post in our department , as for Jr, Senior , Head clercks and Superintendants. Is there any chance to compare the post of Accountant BPS-16 with Superintendant BPS-16 ? as ministerial staff

  21. dear mam
    i am working is bps 14 as technician. there bps 16 , the next scale in our department. so clarify that i shall be promoted to 15 or 16. there is no bps 15 in our department.

  22. Sir, am I am appointed in feb 2006 as instrument technician and in 2008 my new appoint was made in bps 15 (not promotion) . can i am eligible for time scale

  23. can any person clarify that a person who’s 10 year service is complete with his contract service (contract + regular service without any break total more than 10 years) while regular service is not 10years then will this rule apply or not??

  24. dear sir,
    i was appointed as constable bps 05 on 01-06-2005in police and apointed as ESE BPS 09 ON 09-04-2012 . Please explain benifits of time scale for me.

  25. i am working as steno. my appointment BS-12 date 1989 and selection grade BS-15 in 1998. my service counted from 1989 or 1998. which pay scale provided to me?

  26. I am working as selection grade steno. My appointment date 1989 and selection grade 1988. how my service counted date. or given my only one scale or two scale upgradation.

  27. Respected Sir / Madam, AOA,
    Please guide me I was appointed as Senior Storekeeper in BS-06 in 1995. the post of Senior SK was shown in BS-10 in service rules 2003, but I was granted BS-10 in 2009. whether I am entitled for next scale or otherwise..? please reply…!!!

  28. sir i am working as stenographer in bps 14 in agriculture department punjab since 2.10.1993. kia sir mujay time scale promotion milay gi ya nahi.

  29. Madam I was appointed as Statistical Assistant in BS-11 on 21-9-1993 and selection grade -BS-15 was awarded me in 2000 , please clarify whether this notification is applicable on me or not

  30. 3. The above employees are not entitled to pre-mature increment either on upgradation w.e.f 01.01.2016 or time scale promotion after 10-years? clarify this paragrah

      1. Computer Operator BS-12 is a Technical Post or not, whether it is applicable next scale after 10 year services please reply if any promotion policy is available for computer operator


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