A Detailed Description on Joining & Joining Report of an Employee

A joining Report is a form that is prepared at the time of joining of an employee. There are many columns in joining report that must be carefully filled. After carefully filling all the columns it must be signed by the head of the office and then its copies must be submitted to higher authorities for their record. There are many reasons for the joining of an employee. I will discuss here all these with detail.

Joining Report of a Fresh Employee

For the joining of a fresh employee, there must be completed/obtained the following documents:

  • Joining Report
  • Appointment Letter
  • Copy of Advertisement of the same Job
  • Individual’s Service Performa
  • CNIC of the Employee
  • Copy of Domicile
  • Medical Certificate of the Employee
  • Educational Documents

I here mentioned the copy of Advertisement, it is necessary as the Accounts Offices or CMA Office some times demands it to verify the eligibility of age for joining the new job.

Medical Certificate must be obtained from the Civil Hospital duly countersigned by the MS of the same hospital. Pay and Allowances are granted to this employee from the date of Medical Certificate if the employee joins the duty on the date of medical certificate.

If you join the duty on after noon then u will not get the pay for the same day.

Joining on Promotion

Joining Report is also prepared on promotion of an employee whether he/she posted in the same institution or the other. If an employee is promoted from back date then the joining date will be the back date as mentioned in the promotion letter.If the promotion within same scale of the employee then he will get two increments.

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Joining on Transfer

Joining Report is also prepared when employee is transferred from a certain institution.

Here is to mention that the process and documents required may differ for various offices.


Joining Report of An Employee





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21 thoughts on “A Detailed Description on Joining & Joining Report of an Employee

  1. if a person is granted leave without pay to join other institute for a specific period of time What about his LPC as he is on leave and not left the institute

  2. Hi ma’am, first of all thank you, you have always been helpful to all of us. Secondly i would like to ask you for reference regarding you said that joining of promoted employees will be taken from backdate if they are promoted from backdate. Can you please guide me. It’s really urgent. Its like my life is currently depending on you.

  3. Dear Madam.
    Kindly also share method for preparing Stationary bill for AG office. what are the requirements for preparation of stationary bill. Thanks.

  4. Madam,
    I have to know that if Assistant who is currently upgraded by goverment via finance deprt notification to bs-16 and if he now want to apply for his promotion or Re-designation of his post which belongs to bs-17,then is he eligible for that?

  5. Dear Madame
    I have selected as a stenotypist in FBR, RTO, Peshawar Office, I was working before this job in Pak Secretariat, islamabad as stenotypist.
    Is FBR give me pre-mature increment or not???? and second question, Is I am eligible for transfer grant or not ??? please reply

  6. Sir I am selected in bs 17 through proper channel currently working in bs 14. How to get relieving and what documents are required. After relieving how many days for joining. Medical compulsory or not

    1. Dear Luqman, you have to produce LPC, Relieving Report, Service Book, Appointment letter, NOC (Department permission letter) etc for the same. According to my knowledge no need of Medical Ceritificate, however it is better you get the same as some one may object it having little knowledge.

  7. Nice and valuable information is available in this web site. please tell me when an officer is posted/transferred with the words that he is attached but draw his salary from some where other. The post is lower scale where the officer is attached. Is it true notification under rules? please guide.

  8. I am very very impressed to see Galaxy World where a flood of information is available. I am also impressed, the work done by Ms. Shumaila Kamal. Wonder-ful Ms. Kamal.

      1. dear … agr koi govt employee 2 domiciles use karte hoye pakra gia to iske service k sath kia hoga halanke os ne dosre domicile k sath post k lie apply direct kia tha na ke through proper channel.. ? mujhe kisi ne bataya hai k os per future govt employment per complete pabandi lag sakti hai..

          1. If any Person joined his duty in the forenoon and other joined in the afternoon date is same then who is senior

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