Jobs of Personal Assistants and Stenographers in Lahore High Court Lahore

A number of Jobs of Personal Assistants and Stenographers in Lahore High Court Lahore have been announced.  Closing date for these vacancies is 18th October 2019 (No more late than 11:59 p.m).


Jobs of Personal Assistants and Stenographers


Summary of these vacancies is as under:



Sr.No.   Job Title and Job Code BPS No of Post Age
1 Personal Assistant

Job Code: G-46

BS-17 31 18-30 years  on the closing date.
2 Stenographer

Job Code: G-47

BPS-17 20 18-25 years on the closing date



  1. Applicants will submit ONLINE Applications ONLY. Online Job is available at the LHC website ( .
  2. The Candidates should carefully read the Job Description mentioned against each cadre before applying online. The Job Description is available at the LHC.
  3. Age Relaxation will be permissible to in-service Government employees under the Punjab Civil Servants Recruitment(Relaxation of Upper Limit) Rules, 1976.
  4. Deadline: The application Form shall not be entertained after 11:59 p.m. on 08-10-2019 (Closing Date).
  5. To avoid Frustration, Candidates are advised in their own interest to make sure before applying that they are physically fit, healthy and fulfill all the requirements of the rules and selection criteria (Relating to the relevant post) as advertised before the closing date.
  6. The applications for the Post mentioned shall deposit a non-refundable processing fee worth Rs.1000/0 In A/c “Human Resources, Lahore High Court, Lahore “(0527549781001128). The online deposit can be made in any branch of MCB in Punjab by filling following information on the Deposit Slip.
  7. The applications shall mention the MCB Deposit Slip Number in the online Application Form.
  8. You cannot get back the fee once paid for any post and cannot use it for any other post/recruitment.
  9. the candidate will not submit a HARD COPY OF ONLINE Application Form.

You can read further details at the copy of the advertisement of Jobs of Personal Assistants and Stenographers in Lahore High Court Lahore.


You may also like: PPSC Vacancies 2019 Advertisement No. 32 /2019 of the dated 22-09-2019



Jobs of Personal Assistants


See also  Notification of General Relaxation in Upper Age Limit Upto 43 Years-Balochistan

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4 thoughts on “Jobs of Personal Assistants and Stenographers in Lahore High Court Lahore

  1. Is there any update regarding P.A. and Stenographer result the test of which was Around 05 months have passed since the conducting of test but not a single update yet.


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