Notification of Increase in Pension 2020 Sindh @ 10%

The government of the Sindh Finance Department has issued Notification on 10-07-2020 in connection with an Increase in Pension 2020 Sindh @ 10% to the pensioners of the province of Sindh. The details are as under:

Increase in Pension 2020 Sindh @ 10%

The Government of Sindh has been pleased to sanction an increase  @ 10% of net pension with effect from 1st July 2020 until further orders to all civil pensioners of the Sindh Government.

  1. The 10% increase in pension as allowed vide of the Finance Department’s O.M. No.FD(SR-III)3-230/2011, dated 12th July 2011, a 10% increase in pension as allowed vide Finance Department’s O.M. No.FD(SR-III)3-230/2013(Provl,), dated 1st September 2015, a 10% increase in pension vide Para-I of Finance Department’s O.M. No.FD(SR-III)3-230/2013 (provl,), dated 04th August 2016 and Finance Department’s O.M.No.FD(SR-III)3-230/2013(Provl), dated 13th July 2017 shall be admissible to the new pensioners who would retire on or after 01.07.2020.
  2. The 10% increase in pension as per details mentioned at Para-I above will also be admissible to the pensioners who would retire on or after 01.07.2020.
  3. For the purpose of admissibility of an increase in pension sanctioned in this Department’s O.M. the term “Net Pension” means “pension being draw” minus ‘medical Allowance”.


Special Thanks:


Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli

Mr. Muhammad Yousif Unar

Increase in Pension 2020 Sindh

Pension Increase 2020 Sindh Notification


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