Procedure to Correct Date of Birth in CNIC as per Service Record

I shall explain here in detail the Procedure to Correct Date of Birth in CNIC as per Service Record. Many employees have issues with Date of Birth mistakes in their computerized national Identity cards or in their service records.


Method to Correct Date of Birth in CNIC as per Service Record


Before we proceed to the procedure of the correction of the date of birth of an employee in the Service record or CNIC, we shall look at the mistakes in the service record or CNIC. Some of these are as under:


·         Wrong Entry of Date of Birth in CNIC

·         Wrong Entry of Date of Birth in the Service Book

·         Mistakes in educational Documents  (SSC, HSSC, or Degrees)



Wrong Entry of Date of Birth in CNIC


If there is a mistake in the Date of Birth on the National Identity Card, you can simply visit the nearest NADRA Office along with your Matric Certificate (SSC) copy/original If don’t have a matric qualification, simply bring the Service Book along with office letter for correction of date of birth. The NADRA office will check the record and will make necessary amendments to the Date of Birth.


Correction of Date of Birth in Service Book


The date of birth entered in the service book generally is not corrected. Once entered at the time of joining then it is a permanent record. I have already explained that you cannot do no change in date of birth after entry into govt service. However, there are some mistakes in the service book that you can correct at a later stage.

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In some service books, the date of birth of an employee is simply written as “1980” or “Aug 1980” etc. In 1st example only the year we know and in the second example, the month and year we know.

            I have already explained in detail the Rules for counting the date of birth of an employee. In these explanations, I have mentioned that if only the year we know, we shall add 1st July. In the above example we shall write the date of birth as under:

1st July 1980

If the month and year we know, then we shall add only 15 with it and the date of birth in the above 2nd example will be as under:

15th Aug 1980

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After reading the above explanations, I hope you have learned the procedure of correction in DOB at various stages.



Procedure to Correct Date of Birth in CNIC as per Service Record

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One thought on “Procedure to Correct Date of Birth in CNIC as per Service Record

  1. WHAT IF DATE OF BIRTH IS CONSIDERED IST JULy 1963 when an employee is about to retire .Will he be allowed to work extra six months with slalry or it will it be for pension purpose only


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