Increase in Salary December 2022 Chart due to Annual Increment

Every Government employee will get an Increase in Salary December 2022 Chart due to Annual Increment. All employees will get an Annual Increment on 1st December 2022. Only the employees for whom the Government has given the punishment of increment will not get the Annual Increment 2022. In the same way, the employees whose appointment is made on 1st June 2022 (AN) or later will not get the same increment this year.


Increase in Salary December 2022 Chart (Annual Increment 2022)


The annual increment rates are different for each basic pay scale. This year Government introduced revised pay scales 2022 and the rate of annual increment increased with the revision of pay scales 2022. The employees will get an enhanced salary on 1st January 2023. This annual increment will raise their basic pay hence net pay.


Increase in Salary on 1st December 2022 BPS Wise


Basic Pay Scale   Rate of Increment 2022 Total Increase
BPS-01 430 430
BPS-02 490 490
BPS-03 580 580
BPS-04 660 660
BPS-05 750 750
BPS-06 840 840
BPS-07 910 910
BPS-08 1000 1000
BPS-09 1090 1090
BPS-10 1190 1190
BPS-11 1310 1310
BPS-12 1430 1430
BPS-13 1560 1560
BPS-14 1740 1740
BPS-15 1980 1980
BPS-16 2260 2260
BPS-17 3420 3420
BPS-18 4260 4260
BPS-19 4530 4530
BPS-20 6690 6690
BPS-21 7420 7420
BPS-22 8710 8710

Increase in Salary December 2022 Chart due to Annual Increment

Benefits of Increase in Basic Pay


The employees have many benefits from the increase in basic pay some of the same are as under:

See also  Notification of Eid Bonus to CAA, GHC, LESCO, GENCO-II, FESCO, NPGCL, PEPCO Employees

Increase in net salary

The more basic pay, the more House Building Advance they will get

In Federal Government, the employees get a Motorcycle, and Motorcar Advance on the basis of limits of Basic Pay, so there may be some employees entering a limit to get a Motorcycle or motorcar advance. You can see the Notification of Revision Motorcar Advance/Motorcycle Advance and Bicycle Advance 2018 for Federal Government employees.


  • The more basic pay, the more the pension the employees will get
  • With the increase in basic pay, the employees will get more transfer grants on transfer or retirement
  • They will also get more Farewell grant on retirement that is equal to one basic pay
  • In the future, if Government grants any Adhoc allowance, special allowance or Disparity Reduction Allowance, or any other allowance on the basis of current or running basic pay, the employees will get more of these allowances due to high basic pay.


Previous Year’s Annual Increment and This Year’s Increase


The main difference between the previous year’s annual increment and this year’s annual increment is that this year, the employees will get only an increase in basic pay due to the annual increment in 2022. On the contrary, during the previous year the employees got the following allowance with increased rates:


  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2017 @ 10%
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 @ 10%
  • ARA-2019 @ 10% (BPS-01 to BPS-16) & 5% (BPS-17 and above)
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2020 (Only Sindh)
  • ARA-2021 @ 10%


With the revision of Basic Pay Scales 2022, the Government merged all these allowances into basic pay. That is why these allowances are no more available now for the employees. However, we shall check whether this year in December salary increase more or less as compared to the previous year on 1st December.

See also  Award of Financial Assistance to Aima of Jamia Masjid in KPK


Amount of Increase in Salary on 1st December 2021


On 1st December 2021, there was an increase in salaries of all employees on 1st December 2021 in connection with the Annual Increment 2021. For Federal, Punjab, KPK, Balochistan, GB, AJ&K, and Sindh Government employees, the net increase in salaries for the employees in December 2021 was as under:


December 2021 Salary Increase


A comparison of both year’s total increase in salaries on 1st December is as under:


BPS Pay Increase Dec 2022 Pay Increase Dec 2021 Difference
BPS-01 430 406 24
BPS-02 490 462 28
BPS-03 580 546 34
BPS-04 660 616 44
BPS-05 750 700 50
BPS-06 840 784 56
BPS-07 910 854 56
BPS-08 1000 938 62
BPS-09 1090 1022 68
BPS-10 1190 1120 70
BPS-11 1310 1232 78
BPS-12 1430 1344 86
BPS-13 1560 1470 90
BPS-14 1740 1638 102
BPS-15 1980 1862 118
BPS-16 2260 2128 132
BPS-17 3420 3105 315
BPS-18 4260 3875 385
BPS-19 4530 4118 412
BPS-20 6690 6089 601
BPS-21 7420 6500 920
BPS-22 8710 7631 1079

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Sindh Government December 2021 Salary Increase


If we look at the comparison chart of increase in salary on 1st December 2021 and 2022, the employees have more increase in salary on 1st December 2022 as compared to 2021.



Increase in Salary on 1st December 2021 Sindh
S. No Basic Scale Annual Increment 2021 ARA-2017 ARA-2018 ARA-2019 ARA-2020 ARA-2021 Total Raise in Salary  
1 BS-01 290 44 29 44 29 58 494  
2 BS-02 330 50 33 50 33 66 562  
3 BS-03 390 59 39 59 39 78 664  
4 BS-04 440 66 44 66 44 88 748  
5 BS-05 500 75 50 75 50 100 850  
6 BS-06 560 84 56 84 56 112 952  
7 BS-07 610 92 61 92 61 122 1038  
8 BS-08 670 101 67 101 67 134 1140  
9 BS-09 730 110 73 110 73 146 1242  
10 BS-10 800 120 80 120 80 160 1360  
11 BS-11 880 132 88 132 88 176 1496
12 BS-12 960 144 96 144 96 192 1632
13 BS-13 1050 158 105 158 105 210 1786
14 BS-14 1170 176 117 176 117 234 1990
15 BS-15 1330 200 133 200 133 266 2262
16 BS-16 1520 228 152 228 152 304 2584
17 BS-17 2300 345 230 345 115 460 3795
18 BS-18 2870 431 287 431 144 574 4737
19 BS-19 3050 458 305 458 153 610 5034
20 BS-20 4510 677 451 677 226 902 7443
21 BS-21 5000 750 500 750 250 1000 8250
22 BS-22 5870 881 587 881 294 1174 9687
See also  Amendment in Federal Employees Benevolent Fund & Group Insurance Rules-1972


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