Thousands Vacancies in LESCO through NTS

Thousands Vacancies in LESCO through NTS have been announced. These vacancies are initially for a period of one year on contract. Those are to be permanent on satisfactory performance. The candidates having the domicile of Lahore, Okara, Shekhupura and Nankana Sahib can apply for these vacancies. Last date to apply for these vacancies is 18th May 2015. The summary of these vacancies is as under:


S. No Name of Post BPS Number of Vacancies
1 Data Coder BPS-15 22
2 Data Entry Operator BPS-15 23
3 Sub Station Operator Grade-I BPS-15 15
4 Line Superintendent Grade-I BPS-15 89
5 Line Superintendent Grade-II BPS-14 71
6 Sub Station Operator Grade-II BPS-14 20
7 Sub Station Attendant BPS-07 20
8 Oriental Language Teacher (OLT) BPS-16 02
9 Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) BPS-16 04
10 Librarian BPS-15 02
11 Assistant (DCS/BSC) BPS-14 20
12 Accountant Assistant BPS-14 34
13 Commercial Assistant BPS-14 38
14 Stenographer Grade-II BPS-14 32
15 Audit Assistant BPS-14 07
16 Cashier BPS-14 08
17 Senior Clerk BPS-09 53
18 Junior Clerk BPS-07 349
19 LDC (Revenue) BPS-07 54
20 Meter Reader BPS-07 128
21 Telephonist BPS-07 145
22 Driver BPS-06 249
23 Security Guard BPS-06 336


Vacancies in LESCO



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One thought on “Thousands Vacancies in LESCO through NTS

  1. madam finally i have found the formula for calculate exact pension of a retired employee
    ForExp: ur total service (30years) Multiply it with ur basic (35000 thousands) Multiply with 7
    then after calculating all these amount, answer will be divide wiih 300
    30*35000*7 then divide with 300

    Ur exact pension shall be 24500, madam wht r ur views abt it


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