Revised Pension Calculator July 2022

I have prepared the Revised Pension Calculator July 2022 for the employees retiring on 1st July 2022 or after that date. As you know that Government has increased the pension in July 2022. In this increase pension, Notification, the Government has excluded 5 increases in pension during 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and the year 2021. The basic pay of the employees increased nearly 1.5 times. The government merged 5 Adhoc Relief Allowance into basic pay, so the increases in pension during those years were too stopped by Government. The employees who retired prior to 01-07-2022 will continue to get all the above years increases in pension.


New Revised Pension Calculator July 2022


If we look at the difference between pension with new pay scales 2022 and old pay scales, it is concluded that pensions and commutes with new pay scales are better than the old ones.  Initially, I prepared the pension calculation sheet for Federal Employees. Punjab Government has yet only announced a 10% increase in pension with effect from 1st April 2022. The Notification of the remaining 5% pension increase in Punjab we are expecting soon. This new 5% increase pension will also be the same as Federal and with effect from 1st July. So this calculator can also be used for Punjab Government employees retiring on or after 1st July 2022.  Pension Notification of other provinces depends. I shall update here after I get the Notifications for other provinces too.


How does This Calculator Works?


See also  Notification of Increase in Pension and Medical Allowance for the Pensioners of FG

This is simply an MS Excel Calculation Sheet. You just have to know the following figures:


  • Last Basic Pay
  • Total Length of Service
  • Age Rate that I have given in the calculator


If the employee is getting Personal Pay (PP), we shall also add it to the basic pay last drawn. If the employee has more than 30 years of service, we only count 30 years of service for pension calculation.  Suppose an employee has served for 40 years, we shall take only 30. However, if the employee has less than 30 years of service then we shall take the actual figure of his/her service.




In the calculations sheet we get the following results:


  • Gross Pension
  • 35% Pension
  • 65% Pension
  • Medical Increase
  • Commutation/Gratuity
  • Net Pension


The only two results are the most requirement of the employee are Commutation or Gratuity and another one is Net Pension.


Download Pension Calculator July 2022 Federal Punjab with 10% and Then 5% Increase


Download Pension Calculator July 2022 Federal Punjab with 15% Total



Download KPK Pension Calculator 2022-2023



Note: The clarification will require whether 1st we add 10% and then a 5% increase on the result or a total of 15%. If 15% total increase we take then the pension becomes a little bit less. 



Revised Pension Calculator July 2022

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18 thoughts on “Revised Pension Calculator July 2022

    1. Dear sir I have downloaded pension calculator Excel worksheet from galaxy world but unable to add any amount in there to calculate commute and monthly pension being a federal GOVT employees want to get retired forthwith.

  1. I retired from service in BPS 20 on 31 of Oct 22. Total income tax deduction was 103308 till that time out of 309916 calculated for whole year. Can I get back extra amount deducted from account office or from FBR as my gross salary of 4 months was about 1040000.

  2. One of my relative died during covid . He rendered total service 9 yrs 5 months and 15days in education department govt of Sindh. Is his family entitle of pension. Kindly help.


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