Online Registration to Join Pakistan Navy December 2023

Online Registration to Join the Pakistan Navy in December 2023 has been announced by the Pak Navy. The Pakistan Navy opens up admission for the citizens of Pakistan in different branches. It offers a short service commission of 2024- A&M cadet Scheme 9th batch. It invites applications from all male and female candidates to join the very honorable department of Pakistan.


Course 2024-A & M Cadet Scheme 9th Batch – Online Registration to Join Pakistan Navy December 2023


Pakistan Navy has started the registration to join various branches of Pakistan Navy. interested candidates can apply online through the official website of the Pakistan Navy within the due date for Course 2024-A & M Cadet Scheme 9th Batch.

Sr.No Discipline Services
1. Marine operations SSG aviation 1.      Marine Operations

2.       SSG

3.      Aviation

2. Mechanical Engineering 1.      Surface

2.       Aviation

3.       Submarine

3. Weapon Engineering 1.      Surface

2.       Aviation

3.       Submarine

4. Logistics 1.      Surface
5. Special 1.      Psychologist Information Technology

2.       Public Relations

3.       BS/MS Mathematics, Statistics

4.       BE Civil Engineering with MSN/ RSM/ GIS

5.       MS Space Sciences

6.       DPT

7.      BS Therapy

8.      BE/ BS Biomedical Engineering

9.       BS Prosthetic and Orthotic Sciences

10.   MS/Masters in Data Sciences, Software Engineering

11.    Masters In Mathematics Statistics, Engineering

12.    Ph. D Nuclear Studies

13.    Ph. D Defense and Strategic Studies Peace and Conflict Studies

14.   PhD International Relations

6. Medical GDMO ‘s 1.      Cardiac Anesthesia

2.       General Anesthesia

3.       Intensivist

4.       General Medicine

5.       Endocrinology

6.       Oncology

7.      Critical Care Medicine

8.       Emergency Medicine As Emergency Room Specialist

9.       Nephrology

10.    Gastroenterology

11.    Pediatrics

12.   Neonatology

13.    Pediatric Cardiologist

14.    Pathology

15.    Psychiatry

16.    Radiology

17.    Rehab Medicine

18.    General Surgery

19.    Cardiac Surgery

20.    Orthopedic surgery

21.    Orthodontics

22.    Periodontics

7. Education 1.      M.Phil English

2.       M.Phil Mathematics

3.       MS/M.Phil Management Science

Eligibility conditions for unmarried male citizens of Pakistan as doctors through 9th batch M cadets are as follows:

Applicants must study in the 4th or 5th Semester of MBBS.  The candidates may have completed the previous years of MBBS. They may have passed it with a minimum of 50% of Marks on 1st attempt only.


Registration Process and Dates


The registration process starts on 26 November 2023 and closes on 10th December 2023. The candidates may apply online to become a part of the Pak Navy as under:


Join Pak Navy Course 2024-A & M Cadet Scheme 9th Batch



Online Registration to Join Pakistan Navy December 2023


See also  Advertisement of Vacancies in PIMS Islamabad 2019 BPS-06 to BPS-15

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