Punjab Govt Jobs Latest PPSC Jobs Ad No. 03/2025 (PESSI Labour & Human Resource Department)

I am sharing New Job Vacancies through PPSC in Punjab Government 2025. These jobs in the Punjab Government are for the various posts in the Punjab Employees Socia Security Institution PESSI The details are as follows:


New Job Vacancies through PPSC in Punjab Government 2025


Punjab Employees Social Security Institution (PESSI) Labour And Human Resource Department


Sr No Name of Post BPS/PPG No of Post Job Type Age Gender
1 Consultant Medical Specialist BPS-18/PPG-13 05-Vacancies On Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

2 Consultant Surgeon BPS-18/PPG-13 03-Vacancies On Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

3 Consultant Cardio Thoracic Surgeon BPS-18/PPG-13 03-Vacancies On Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

4 Consultant Cardiologist BPS-18/PPG-13 02-Vacancies On Contract Basis for 03 Years



30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

5 Consultant Nuclear-Physician BPS-18/PPG-13 01-Vacancy On Contract Basis for 03 Years



30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

6 Consultant Neuro-Physician BPS-18/PPG-13 01-Vacancy On Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

7 Consultant Urologist BPS-18/PPG-13 03-Vacancies On Contract Basis for a period of 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

8  Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon BPS-18/PPG-13 04-Vacancies On Contract Basis for a period of 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

9 Consultant Pathologist BPS-18/PPG-13 07-Vacancies On Contract Basis for a period of 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

10 Pediatric Surgeon BPS-18/PPG-13 02-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for a period of 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

11 Consultant Pediatrician BPS-18/PPG-13 05-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

12 Consultant Gynecologist BPS-18/PPG-13 05-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for the period of 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

13 Consultant Anesthetist BPS-18/PPG-13 40-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

14 Consutltant ENT Specialist BPS-18/PPG-13 05-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

15 Consultant Dermatologist BPS-18/PPG-13 05-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

16 Consultant Oncologist BPS-18/PPG-13 02-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

17 Consultant Ophthalmologist BPS-18/PPG-13 06-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

18 Consultant Radiologist BPS-18/PPG-13 12-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

19 Consultant Physhcaitrist BPS-18/PPG-13 03-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

20 Consultant TB & Chest Specialist BPS-18/PPG-13 05-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

21 Consultant Nepthorologist BPS-18/PPG-13 01-Vacancy On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

22 Consultant Endocrinologist BPS-18/PPG-13 01-Vacancy On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender

23 Neuro Surgeon BPS-18/PPG-13 03-Vacancies On a Contract Basis for 03 Years Male:

30 to 45 + 05 = 50 years Female:

30 to 45 + 08 = 53 years

The age and sex of the transgender people will be based on the contents of their CNIC.

Gender :

Male, Female & Transgender


Terms and Conditions & How to Apply?


  1. Candidates should read the “Important Instructions” regarding the Application Fee, Written Test, and Interview on the PPSC website www.ppsc.gop.pk before applying online.
  2. The schedules of tests and syllabus, if any, shall be issued only on the official website of PPSC. Therefore, candidates must visit the PPSC website frequently for test schedules, syllabi, and other related information.
  3. More instructions on candidates can be seen in the copy of the job ad,
  4. Closing Date for Submission of Online Applications for Job Vacancies through PPSC in Punjab Government 2025 is 10 February 2025.


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New Job Vacancies through PPSC in Punjab Government 2025


PESSI Jobs 2025 Punjab

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